But there are no Middle East “peace talks”

This is pathetic. Once again, Washington is seen to be begging its client state, Israel, to please continue the non-existent settlement “freeze” for another two months. Yes, laughing is the only sane response:

Senior White House officials told a group of Jewish lawmakers Wednesday morning that the Obama administration is pushing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to extend the now-lapsed settlement building moratorium for 60 days as one way to allow Israeli-Palestinian peace talks to continue, said Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) in an exclusive interview with The Cable.

The U.S. push for a 60-day freeze was reported Tuesday by Bloomberg and Politico, attributed to secondhand anonymous sources, but Levin’s account is the first on the record account from a U.S. government leader that the White House has embraced the proposal as a way to keep the talks alive.