When Christian and Jewish fundies get together to make sweet love

New neo-con group The Emergency Committee for Israel have some charming friends on-board. Aside from king-maker William Kristol – a Jew with a lot of time to make war against the Muslim world – there’s Gary Bauer, a former Republican presidential candidate. Here’s Bauer a few years ago: God granted the Land of Israel to…

How many people are still locked up at Gitmo?

The running sore of Guantanamo Bay shows no sign of abating: In a comprehensive recent study, Physicians for Human Rights alleges that healthcare professionals experimented on human subjects in order to hone the torture techniques authorized by the Bush Administration. The Department of Justice’s retracted torture memoranda advise that doctors should be involved at every…

The hype against Saddam was false, part 8642

This story isn’t old news and remains key to understanding any possible military strike against Iran: Former UK diplomat Carne Ross claimed that the [British] Government ”intentionally and substantially” exaggerated its assessment of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in public documents. ”Most of the unanswered questions derived from discrepancies in Iraq’s accounting for its…

The US Israel lobby assist in the colonisation process

Just in case readers weren’t clear on the relationship between the American Zionist lobby and the West Bank occupation (thanks to an Israeli journalist for explaining): The West Bank construction freeze of all things should not be a problem: Firstly, because there was really never a full freeze, even for a moment. Secondly, because it’s…

American use of torture was common and still is

American journalist and author Joshua Phillips talks about his discoveries while writing, “None of Us Were Like This Before“: Prisoner abuse and torture was far more widespread than most people understand. It happened well beyond the walls of Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib, and CIA “black sites.” Prisoners were seriously abused in other U.S. military bases and…

Israel is drifting and the future looks bleak

The US Presbyterian Church continues to gently push for effective change in Palestine and the New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof rehashes the tired line of finding a Palestinian “Gandhi” (do these Western commentators simply feel the need to repeat predictable talking points over and over again?) Max Blumenthal finds increasing Israeli violence at Sheikh…

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