Walid Shoebat should not be heard in Pakistan

This is weird. Pakistan is reportedly planning to massively increase its online censorship regime. Just another US-backed dictatorship wanting to shut down debate. Not much new here except one site has supposedly already been blocked, of Mr Walid Shoebat, former Palestinian militant and now rabid Zionist and anti-Islam activist. Is Pakistan seriously banning this man…

The people of Gaza are too fat and healthy

Zionist lobbyists, get a grip: A pro-Israeli advocacy organization is throwing a cocktail party in New York Monday night to discuss a… phenomenon… it says is a crisis in Gaza: Palestinians are too fat. “[T]he only humanitarian crisis in Gaza is OBESITY,” the group… Fuel For Truth said in an email inviting young Jewish professionals to a promotional…

Gillard reassures the Jews that she loves Israel to death

This week’s Australian Jewish News: Within the Jewish community, discussions about Julia Gillard often include the whispered question: “She might support Israel now, but have you heard what she was like in her university days?” So, when we spoke to her last August, while she was still Deputy Prime Minister, The AJN decided to explore…

Punishing Palestinian independence

Hamas leader in Gaza, Mahmoud Zahar, doesn’t want his territory to become like another US-backed wasteland, Afghanistan: The Hamas co-founder was bitterly critical of Western policy towards Hamas and Gaza over the four and half years since the Islamic faction won the last Palestinian elections. “Why did the Western people boycott Hamas after the election?”…

How Rolling Stone should spread its wing

I’ve talked extensively here about Michael Hastings’ piece in Rolling Stone that helped fire General Stanley McChrystal (more savvy comments here). But what of the magazine itself? The Guardian comments: The resignation last week of General Stanley McChrystal had the impact of a pterodactyl egg dropping on the US news agenda from 30,000 feet. A…

Reporters are not supposed to thank the establishment at the end of the day

Journalist Michael Hastings believes in journalism. You know, asking questions, not protecting military men because they’re in the military and telling things how they are. Crazy ideas, I know. Others, like The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, rather like war and Israel and like to contribute to the Middle East being filled with the former as much…

Obama is a barrier to any kind of Middle East peace

Even if this story is accurate, that US/Israeli relations are struggling, other reports indicate Washington is very happy to continue carrying the water for Tel Aviv, even if it means not releasing Gilad Shalit because it would strengthen Hamas. First, this: Israel’s ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, denied painting a dark picture of U.S.-Israeli relations…

The noble war in Afghanistan is against 100 people?

Let me get this straight. Tens of thousands of Western troops are fighting in Afghanistan because of this or are we actually occupying the country for another reason altogether? In an EXCLUSIVE interview on “This Week,” CIA Director Leon Panetta told host Jake Tapper that there were “at most” only 50-100 Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.…

Obama soon to put serious pressure on Israel (let’s wait and see)

Oh my: The lifting of the blockade on the Gaza Strip and permission for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip freely through Israeli border crossings. These are the unequivocal demands that President Barack Obama is expected to make during his meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the White House in two weeks. If anyone…

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