Israel beware: America may not love you to death forever

A warning that most Israelis and Jews in the Diaspora should hear: Mossad chief Meir Dagan is concerned by the change in US positions and influence on Israel. “There are fewer Israeli assets in the US,” he said in the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee meeting on Tuesday. “Israel’s importance was greater when there…

Focusing on power politics always leaves the innocent out

This front page story in today’s Washington Post indicates the real flaws in so much corporate reporting on the Middle East. What’s the angle and who’s affected? Not the people under occupation in Palestine (or elsewhere) but the diplomatic act between two major powers: The worldwide condemnation of the deadly Israeli assault on the Gaza…

Please ask the hard questions about Israel’s anti-democratic streak

While Israel continues to hold two senior Australian journalists, including reporter Paul McGeough, in detention – wonderful media management there, Zionist state, just jolly, imagine what they’ll say about you when they leave – Deakin University’s Scott Burchill wants us to question the very nature of the current Israeli government: The humiliation of pro-Zionist Biden…

Israel’s choice is clear

My following article appears in today in New Matilda: The deadly attack by Israeli forces on the Gaza relief ships has provoked global outrage, writes Antony Loewenstein. Has Israel bitten off more than it can chew this time? Within hours of Israel’s storming of the Gaza flotilla yesterday in international waters, Haaretz columnist Bradley Burston…

What must happen before Israel is fully accepted

Richard Silverstein has launched a Facebook campaign and outlines some important points: 1. an independent UN investigation under supervision of Security Council with the power to investigate possible war crimes and report results to the Council for referral to International Criminal Court. 2. the U.S. government condemn unequivocally the attack on a Turkish ship in…

J Street begs for more Obama intervention

I used to be agnostic towards J Street, a liberal Zionist lobby, but its Gaza flotilla statement continues its obsession (and misunderstanding) that only Washington can bring peace to the Middle East when in fact it’s primarily due to America that Israel can act as it does: J Street is deeply shocked and saddened by…

Gaza flotilla massacre is Israel’s Kent State?

In the midst of today’s madness by Israel, it’s welcome to read a sensible analysis by Moshe Yaroni at Realistic Peace (thanks to Sol Salbe for the tip). Ultimately, he writes, this incident has the potential to massively damage Israel’s reputation (what, I hear you say, it still has some?) and reveal further to the…

Obama knows that Hamas must be engaged and yet and yet…

Engage Hamas today or face guaranteed Middle East “peace” failure: The United States is sending a succession of envoys to engage with Hamas but lacks the bravery to talk to the Islamist movement openly, its leader, Khaled Meshal, said in an interview with the Guardian.

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