Interview with the New Zealand Listener

New Zealand’s Listener magazine is that country’s only national current affairs magazine. I am interviewed in the latest edition, in preparation for my upcoming appearance at the Auckland Writer’s Festival and a national tour, on speaking truths over Israel/Palestine, West Bank and Gaza occupation, the role of journalism and shit-stirring: Loewenstein Listener May 15 (PDF)

What the West has brought the children of Fallujah (ie. not joy)

An important CNN report (simply being in the mainstream media is key) that highlights growing birth defects in Iraq: A large and growing number of Iraqi children are suffering from severe birth defects, as shown in the heartbreaking CNN segment embedded below, and their parents blame alleged U.S. chemical-weapons attacks. Lawyers representing the families have…

How the Pakistani client state will be forced to please its American master

Patrick Cockburn on the war inside Pakistan that will only worsen as Western pressures increase (without understanding where the anger is coming from): The Pakistani Foreign Minister, Makhdoom Qureshi, believes that what happened in New York was “blowback” for the US drone strikes in Pakistan, which he says killed 700 Pakistani civilians last year. This…

Why can’t Israel just talk about its wonderful environmental developments?

These days, any attempt by the Zionist community to present “vibrant, democratic Israel” should be met like this: Local activists protested the so-called “Israeli Innovation Weekend” (IIW) at the Museum of Science in Boston through multiple, disparate actions on Sunday. IIW’s sponsors, including the Consulate General of Israel to New England, were left flummoxed by…

Havana’s revolution is dying a very painful death

The US embargo remains insane and counter-productive but aging dictators are equally killing their country: Parque Trillo used to be a lively pocket of Havana. A small open space bounded by four streets, it was where Cubans came to gossip, shop, play baseball and dance. On the surface little has changed. Pensioners chat on benches,…

Bring Auschwitz into the Israel debate and take a back seat

Why oh why do so many Zionists only write in apocalyptic language? Because that’s all they know. Victimhood is too appealing. Here’s Sarah Honig: Obama’s endgame is to debilitate, demoralize and destabilize Israel. All he offers Israelis is a choice of how his inimical goal will be achieved. This may be via allowing Iran the…

How far does Thai law reach?

What’s wrong with this picture? Reporters Without Borders and the World Organization for Human Rights USA (“Human Rights USA”) are outraged that Anthony Chai, an American citizen from California, was interrogated by Thai officials in Thailand and again later in the U.S. for allegedly insulting the monarchy in 2006. Originally from Thailand, Chai was granted…

Give a gun to every American and see how that goes

What an insane country (via the New York Times editorial page): Congress, for example, is cowering before the gun lobby insistence that even terrorist suspects who are placed on the “no-fly list” must not be denied the right to buy and bear arms. Suspects on that list purchased more than 1,100 weapons in the last…

The Jewish state may soon end sending public officials into the firing line

A few Israelis are challenged in the West and the state considers ending public talks? Perhaps isolation of Zionism is having more of an effect than we think: Foreign Ministry officials are considering stopping the lectures by senior figures around the world, particularly in Britain.…  The reason: The outspoken verbal attacks by students and pro-Palestinian…

Why do you have to love Christ to get far in America?

The United States, land of the Jesus lover: It’s rather staggering to consider that more than two centuries after our Constitution codified the absolute separation of church and state, we’ve never had a single top court justice who was an atheist.

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