Why our commentator class love to love war

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald rightly concludes that the responsibility-free media class that advocates “for more wars that never touch their lives” should be treated with the contempt they deserve (while, in contrast, somebody like Howard Zinn, who opposed wars, is side-lined or even ignored by the mainstream): I’m periodically criticized for an… “angry” tone in my writing,…

Mahmoud Abbas and his cute police state

How the US-backed Palestinian Authority deals with dissent in the West Bank, silencing and arresting imams and activists. The makings of a police state, kindly brought to the Palestinians by the international community.

Zinn dies, NPR abuses his memory

Following the death of Howard Zinn, America’s public broadcaster, National Public Radio (NPR) featured the following (via FAIR): When progressive historian Howard Zinn died on January 27,… NPR’s… All Things Considered… (1/28/10) marked his passing with something you don’t often see in an obituary: a rebuttal. After quoting Noam Chomsky and Julian Bond,… NPR’s Allison Keyes turned to far-right…

Reading the Iranian tea-leaves (but not from neo-cons)

Many fear that this year will see aggressive action against Iran and “regime change” under the guise of supposedly freeing the Iranian people (witness Robert Kagan in the Washington Post this week making this very point; yet another man determined to install a friendly puppet in Tehran. A neo-conservative who doesn’t care one iota for…

Howard Zinn: revolutionary, leader and inspiration

The death this week of legendary American historian and cultural figure Howard Zinn is a great loss for us all. He re-defined the concept of challenging the powerful in society. Democracy Now! feature a tribute to Zinn. Here’s an extract from an interview in May 2009: AMY GOODMAN: You write in the introduction to A…

What the US brought Haiti apart from a busy airport

John Pilger on the kidnapping of Haiti: The theft of Haiti has been swift and crude. On 22 January, the United States secured “formal approval” from the United Nations to take over all air and sea ports in Haiti, and to “secure” roads. No Haitian signed the agreement, which has no basis in law. Power…

Fox News is a highly trusted news source in America (believe it)

Americans now want a lack of neutrality in their news (not that objectivity or balance is ever achieved in the corporate press): Americans do not trust the major tv news operations in the country- except for Fox News. Our newest survey looking at perceptions of ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News…

US Congress acknowledges Gaza suffering

This is encouraging and proves that a few elements of humanity are not infected by the Zionist lobby: Fifty-four members of the U.S. Congress have signed a letter asking President Barack Obama to put pressure on Israel to ease the siege of the Gaza Strip. The letter was the initiative of Representatives Jim McDermott from…

Where does the hatred for Islam come from?

Muslims are the new Jews: Close to half of Americans admit to harboring prejudice against Muslims and negative feelings about Islam, a new study from the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies shows. The level of anti-Muslim prejudice — 43 percent of Americans admitted feeling at least “a little” — is more than twice as high…

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