Obama hates Israel and all that she stands for, says hardline Zionist

The settler organisation Women in Green hosted an evening recently with Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick. Two believers in the concept of Greater Israel and disliking Arabs. A match made in heaven, really. Here’s the Women in Green report of that peace-loving event: “Obama and Israel” was the topic of Caroline Glick’s talk on Friday…

How to make Muslims hate the West in one easy step

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (retired) has a wonderful suggestion to keep America safe (and radicalise Muslims even more): If you are an 18-28-year-old Muslim man then you should be strip searched. And if we don’t do that there’s a very high probability we’re going to lose an airline.

Cairo declaration: end Israeli apartheid

The Gaza Freedom March (GFM) is over but the following declaration, led by South African trade unionists, has been issued globally and is a clear plan for future actions. Although drafted by delegates from the GFM, its aim is far more ambitious. I encourage readers to read it, sign it and get involved. One of…

Is the US capable of not only sending missiles to help Yemen?

Patrick Cockburn in the Independent on Washington’s seeming desperation to fall into al-Qaeda’s trap again and again and escalate militaristic policies in a Muslim land: There is ominous use by American politicians and commentators of the phrase “failed state” in relation to Yemen, as if this some how legitimised foreign intervention. It is extraordinary that…

Breaking through American blindness over Gaza

The New York Times covers today’s protests in Israel and Palestine over the Gaza crisis: Hundreds of demonstrators gathered on both sides of the Israeli-Gazan border on Thursday to mark a year since Israel’s three-week war in Gaza, and to call for an end to the blockade of the area imposed by Israel and Egypt.…

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