Some Palestinians still want American approval to breath

The Melbourne Age editorialises today that, “if the settlement activity continues, Israel will have no partner for peace” – it’s a pretty soft piece, but at least acknowledges that Zionists are running out of time with the one-state equation gaining global traction – the US-backed Palestinian Authority continues on its merry way towards Palestinian “independence”:…

1967 was a turning point in global attitudes to Israel

A friend of Phil Weiss (from Mondoweiss) recalls the reasons so many wealthy Americans back Israel: “I believed it all. When the Life Magazine cover came out after the 1967 war, with the Israelis on the tank, I thought, This is really a miracle. The people who were almost wiped out in the Holocaust have…

9/11 was a stab towards Zionism, says Jew

Israel last week opened a monument in Jerusalem to the victims of September 11 but this comment was extremely odd: World JNF Chairman Efi Stenzler said, “The events of September 11 and the attack on the World Trade Centre are criteria for the free world’s approach towards terror organizations operating against the State of Israel…

Silent but deadly US drone attacks are inspired by the Jewish state

I finally read Jane Mayer’s fascinating, recent piece in the New Yorker on Washington’s increasing reliance on Predator drones to kill “terrorists” and perceived enemies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. I was struck by the constant references to Israel and the Jewish state’s influence on this insidious business: The advent of the Predator targeted-killing program…

Only really, really bad Muslims will face a fair trial

The news that Washington will try some of the alleged 9/11 masterminds in New York is welcome news and yet, writes Salon’s Glenn Greenwald, don’t buy the spin: …We’re now formally creating a multi-tiered justice system for accused Muslim terrorists where they only get the level of due process consistent with the State’s certainty that…

Iraqi freedom coming through cancer and deformities

Evidence of US war crimes in Iraq are almost too frequent to document. “Our” side is brutal and remains so. Back in 2006, I heard two speakers in Sydney explain the situation at that time and included were discussions of the use of napalm by the US in Fallujah. So how to explain this? Doctors…

Beijing uses oppressed blacks to justify oppressing Tibetans

The following reason given by China to continue to occupy Tibet is certainly an original way to see the world. In this reasoning, Israel could claim (and some Zionists do) that Israel is a far more benign occupier than the Egyptians and Jordanians and should therefore hold onto occupied land indefinitely: The Chinese government had…

How many poor people can Washington ignore this year?

Having just watched Mike Moore’s “Capitalism: A Love Story” – a powerful film about the crumbling of contemporary America and the ways in which the economic system demonises the least able to fight back – this story comes as no surprise. The world’s best democracy? A United Nations special investigator who was blocked from visiting…

American Jews, come suck up your own money in Israel

While American taxpayers give Israel $7 million per day and support for Israel has cost the US economy $3 trillion, Israel entices Jewish Americans with subsidized jobs, training, etc: Jewish American math teacher Goldie Burdetsky never expected to find herself working the front desk of a hotel in southern Israel alongside management interns young enough…

What if Obama actually went to the Gaza Strip?

An open letter from a Palestinian resident of Gaza to the President of the United States of America, Mr. Barak Hussein Obama: Dear Mr. President, You will probably not read this letter due to your busy schedule and the huge number of messages you receive from Presidents, Kings, Princes, Sheiks, and Prime Ministers. Who is…

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