Palestinian figure raises the spectre of a one-state struggle

The failure of the US to bridge the major gaps between Israel and the Palestinians (mainly because Washington is in bed with the Jewish state), led senior US-based Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat to say this week: The alternative left for Palestinians is to “refocus their attention on the one-state solution where Muslims, Christians and Jews…

Jews believe Israel can be a democracy and occupier, discuss

Max Ajl at the Electronic Intifada on J Street’s identity crisis (and American Jewry’s romantic notions of a Jewish state, still alive and well despite decades of brutal occupation): J Street’s policy positions reflect the assumption that the correct amount of strategically-targeted pressure, consisting of the right mix of harsh words and blandishments, can compel…

Clearly human rights should not irrelevant in the Middle East

Israeli/American peace activist Jeff Halper – we’re a big fan of him on this site, a man of principle and justice – writes that relying on Washington to solve the Middle East issues is delusional: Underlying the growing alienation between the United States and the rest of the world community, including Europe, is America’s failure,…

Washington actively kills two-state solution (cue celebration)

News that will shock nobody except those who cling to the foolish belief that the US will push Israel into a two-state solution: The Obama administration has concluded that an early resumption of high-level negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians over a Palestinian state is unlikely in the near future — an acknowledgment that it…

Israel is a burden, suggests leading US figure

Leading American journalist, commentator and conservative Andrew Sullivan: One question that should always be asked of an ally: what is that ally doing for the US? Since the end of the Cold War, that question has been increasingly hard to answer with respect to Israel. Strategically, Israel is obviously a huge burden for the US,…

We are winning (argue J Street)

The following missive was just sent out by J Street. It’s hard to share their optimism (why? Try here), but here’s the message: Last week, with our first national conference, we took a major step forward as a movement. Reuters said we had “arrived as a serious participant in the foreign policy debate.” [1] The…

Israelis want to be hugged and kissed before ending the occupation?

Why do Israelis dislike Barack Obama? Bradley Burston asks the question in Haaretz but can’t understand why the US (and the world) doesn’t treat Israel with the respect it supposedly deserves. Kid-gloves are no longer enough when dealing with the Jewish state. An occupation that has lasted decades won’t simply end because Obama makes pretty…

Jew demands we stay focused on oppressing Arabs

I received today the following email: I spent the past week touring the country with a member of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.…  At a few of our stops, we were asked about “J Street”.…  I found very intriguing that an 18-month old organization could capture the attention of so many – so quickly.…  The…

Can we now acknowledge that Obama loves Israel a little too closely?

J Street’s statement about the Obama administration’s capitulation to Israeli demands reeks of desperation; what happens if Washington doesn’t deliver, people? Though we welcome the government of Israel’s expressed willingness to restrain settlement growth, we echo the Secretary’s statement today in Morocco that offers made to date fall far short of the Obama administration’s position…

One state solution moves closer and closer

Steve Walt in Foreign Policy on America’s backing for racial segregation in Palestine: The two-state solution was on life-support when Obama took office, and at first it appeared he might make a serious effort to nurse it back to health and make it a reality. At least, that’s what he said he was going to…

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