Introducing Saree Makdisi to Australia

During last night’s Sydney Ideas event with Sareee Makdisi, I gave the following introduction: Sydney Ideas 22 September, 2009 Excavating Memory in Jerusalem Professor Saree Makdisi, US academic, author and Middle East analyst Seymour Centre, Sydney University An introduction by Antony Loewenstein During an interview with the Boston Globe in 2008 during the release of…

The Israeli Jewish bubble

Back in July, Joseph Dana and I walked the streets of West Jerusalem to check Israeli public opinion towards Arabs, Barack Obama and settlemets. The main message? Leave us Jews alone. Racism was everywhere. Now Al-Jazeera has pounded the same area and heard virtually similar comments. At what point will Israeli Jewish racism be exposed…

The thought of telling Israel what to do is pleasant and necessary

Wow, things must be getting desperate for an old-time American war-monger to warn Israel against bombing Iran: The national security adviser for former President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, gave an interview to The Daily Beast in which he suggested President Obama should make it clear to Israel that if they attempt to attack Iran’s nuclear…

What the Zionist mind has become since 1948

Daniel Pipes is loved by the fundamentalist Zionist community, invited, feted and respected for views such as these: The Palestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated people. Charming. His latest essay is introduced to his readers thus: I have written over 300 pieces on…

Zionist enforcer slams anyone who dares speak of two-state solution

Following Israel Lobby co-author Steve Walt’s rational article in the Washington Post that simply outlined Barack Obama’s seeming inability or unwillingness to control a rampant Jewish state, Atlantic Zionist writer Jeffrey Goldberg responds with a typically vitriolic and fact-free side-swipe (after Walt expressed pleasure with J Street): J Street would be better off with Osama…

The angry voice of a deluded American nation

The rise of Glenn Beck on Fox News is a fascinating American story. He has captured, channeled and created the fear and anger of a paranoid America (this sentiment is wonderfully detailed by Mondoweiss founder Phil Weiss in this New York Magazine essay.) In Salon, Alexander Zaitchik captures Beck’s background: Since launching his talk radio…

Unpacking Iran’s confused attitudes to themselves and Jews

A new study released by World Public Opinion finds encouraging support for an Iranian/American rapprochement: A new poll of Iranians finds that six in 10 favor restoration of diplomatic relations between their country and the United States, a stance that is directly at odds with the position the Iranian government has held for three…

How Israel plays Washington day in day out

The Israel Lobby co-author Steve Walt writes in the Washington Post: Like so many of his predecessors, President Obama is quickly discovering that persuading Israel to change course is nearly impossible. Obama came to office determined to achieve a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians. His opening move was to insist that Israel stop building…

Allowing a mainstream audience to see Zionist extremism

Last night 60 Minutes ran a feature on the occupied West Bank (the reporter’s blog on the…  subject clearly sees the Jewish settlers as the main impediment to peace). When the journalist Liam Bartlett told settler leader Nadia Matar that all the settlements were illegal, her response was instructive: The UN is biased, uh uh…

The time to implement a boycott is now

The following interview by Stu Harrison appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: “The war could have finished the day before I arrived”, independent journalist and author Antony Loewenstein told Green Left Weekly of his recent trip to the besieged Palestinian territory of Gaza. His trip in July was months after the December-January war, in…

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