The West Bank terror

Roi Maor and Dror Etkes write in Haaretz: The settlement issue has been at the top of the public agenda for the past several months, with the Israeli political scene abuzz in the face of talks between the Israeli government and envoys of U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration on a “freeze” of construction work in…

Jews should only be tough, aggressive and angry

Following the publication of this weekend’s New York Times Magazine feature on the rise of J Street and more liberal Jewry, hardline Zionists have responded with anger (God forbid that Judaism is shown as anything other than violent). Here’s the Jerusalem Post’s Shmuel Rosner: J Street is “bringing highly placed Israeli peaceniks to spread their…

Jews occupy Arabs because they’re a threat

Following my article in the Canberra Times this week outlining the harsh realities in the West Bank and Gaza, this letter is published in the paper today: Antony Loewenstein (”Drop rose-coloured views to lift Gaza peace hopes”, September 9, p11) claims that Hamas is boycotted because Israel and the West refuse to accept its election.…

US-backed shock troops to silence Palestinian voices

Some in the global media (example number one) are enthralled by the Western-backed Palestinian Authority, allegedly building a civic society in the West Bank. In fact, writes Mohammed Khatib,the secretary of Bil’in’s Village Council and a leading member of Bil’in’s Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, these measures are actively engaged to erase any…

Minute by minute planning to bomb the Islamic Republic

Amos Harel in Haaretz on the supposedly normal plans to bomb Iran: For an Israeli attack to be considered, Israel would need the tacit approval of the Obama administration, if only in the sense that it looks the other way. This is due above all to the necessity of passing through the Iraqi air corridor,…

How to be a tough Jewish man and fight for Israel

I attended the Salute to Israel parade in New York in late May. It was a joyous festival of Israel fellation and Jew love. A wonderful day to celebrate some Arab bashing. Eli Valley, whose column “Comics Rescued From a Burning Synagogue in Bialystok and Hidden in a Salt Mine Until After the War,” appears…

Many young Jews don’t see Israel as the promised land

The New York Times publishes this weekend a feature on the “pro-peace and pro-Israel” lobby J Street (a group I’ve mentioned many times here.) The piece is important, for no other reason than it tells the world that not all Jews subscribe to the fanatical Greater Israel mindset. Sure, the writer talks about the “very…

The poor and down-trodden aren’t participating in politics

The internet revolution (for the rich and well-connected): In 2004, Joe Trippi, Howard Dean’s techie campaign manager, declared that “the Internet is the most democratizing innovation we’ve ever seen—more so even than the printing press.” Five years later, after Barack Obama’s largely Web-based presidential campaign and Iran’s largely Twitter-fueled election protests, there is no doubt…

Jews are far too keen to launch missiles on Iran

The drive for war against Iran is gathering pace, led by fundamentalist Zionist groups: Top U.S. congressional leaders and an Obama administration official are scheduled to meet with Jewish leaders to discuss how to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, which will…

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