Hard to tell whether Obama is like Hitler

In a further sign that anti-Obama forces in the US are going insane, the following comments were made on Fox News by disabled Marine veteran David Hedrick: National Socialism is very much what we see today in this administration, it’s a policy almost line for line. It’s the same economic policy, it’s the same political…

Huckabee is the worst friend Jews could have

Mike Huckabee’s recent visit to Israel and Palestine generated predictable headlines. He certainly didn’t disappoint his Fox News constituents. Helen Freedman, Executive Director of Americans For a Safe Israel, accompanied Huckabee throughout his trip and loved the experience. Her report includes this revealing section: Huckabee’s remarks to the press have been well-recorded, but there were…

Iran’s own backyard would be a better place to start

Oh, the irony. This would be a wonderful idea, if the Islamic Republic didn’t have a few of its own gross human rights abuses to investigate: A majority of Iranian lawmakers have approved a bill that will fund a program intended to expose “breaches of human rights” in the US.

Zionists shout loudly and people laugh, part 6532

Following Israeli academic Neve Gordon’s call in the LA Times for a boycott of Israel, some American Jews have taken the bait. As usual. Magnes Zionist explains: This has got to be one of the funniest stories of the dog days of August. Never Gordon, a leftwing professor at Ben-Gurion University, published an op-ed in…

Iran (may not be the) centre of terror

Here’s what the global media has reported over the last days: Argentina expressed outrage Friday over Iran’s nomination of a man wanted in connection to a 1994 Buenos Aires bombing that killed 85 people as the next defense minister. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tapping Ahmad Vahidi for the post is “an affront to Argentine justice…

A Jewish nation of crooks and spivs

Uri Avnery on the increasingly fascist rumblings of the Israeli political elite. This is what Zionists the world over are supporting when they refuse to criticise the obvious signs: Israel in 2009 is a state largely run by criminals, racists and quasi-fascists: My first thought was: Good God, this man was responsible for the lives…

How to kill Arabs for fun with the US tax-payer

The New York Times continues its investigations of the rogue military contractor Blackwater, loved by the American establishment: Despite publicly breaking with an American private security company in Iraq, the State Department continues to award the company, formerly known as Blackwater, more than $400 million in contracts to fly its diplomats around Iraq, guard them…

Hamas is a disease that Israel can never shake

A reader sent me this June report on Hamas from the United States Institute of Peace. It’s the kind nuanced understanding of political realities in the region that is sorely lacking from the vast bulk of the establishment: Discussion in the United States regarding Hamas is usually framed by two somewhat contradictory assumptions: (1) that…

US aims to convince Muslims that killing them is for their own good

Barack Obama films a Ramadan message and tells the Muslim world that he cares deeply about Pakistan, Afghanistan and a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians. Yet again, this is effective PR dressed up as policy. Muslims across the globel aren’t going to be seduced by pretty words from the US President when Israel…

The chances of Washington seeing sense (hint: very low)

Joseph Bahout, professor at Sciences-Po Paris and researcher at Academie Diplomatique Internationale, writes in Bitterlemons: Obama’s Middle-East sherpas would be well advised to get quickly rid of three illusions regarding a Lebanese-Israeli process. Any serious authority in today’s Lebanon is one that will not ignore Syria’s own progress in talks. Any talks that ignore Hizballah…

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