Chomsky on a Middle East that must revolve around Iran

Noam Chomsky and Tariq Ali recently spoke at The Imperial College Political Philosophy Society in London in association with Palestine societies at UCL, SOAS, Goldsmiths, LSE, Imperial and Kings on Palestine and the region in the Obama era: the emerging framework: Chomsky: Palestine and the region in the Obama era: the emerging framework. from ICU…

Why can’t colonists expand and get some Arab love?

Illegal settlers in the West Bank just want to reach out to the world and get some understanding: I am a settler, the daughter of settlers. My husband (or “partner” or “other half” or whatever you call it) is also of that ilk. A settler. And with the precepts of our forefathers in mind, and…

Nothing to see here, just crazy Jews harassing Palestinians

Would the Australian government like to discuss the reality of fundamentalist, Jewish settlers in the West Bank? Of course not: A West Bank settlement has filed a petition to the High Court of Justice demanding the demolition of a nearly-complete stadium in the Palestinian city of El Bireh, near Ramallah. The Psagot settlement and the…

Jewish settlers are the problem and remain so

BBC journalist Alan Johnston, kidnapped in Gaza in 2007, returns to the Palestinian territories for the first time since his release. It’s not a pretty picture: But in the West Bank signs of tension are never far away, if you know where to look. High on the crest of a hill you could make out…

The world wants no more settlements and Israel doesn’t give a damn

The New York Times writes a typically soft editorial on the Middle East – Israel, the Palestinians and Washington are all at fault, it claims, ignoring the profound power imbalances in the region – and Haaretz reports on how the Israeli government really views the occupation (more, please): Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Thursday ordered…

Settlers have every intention of building more colonies

Israel’s “settlement” freeze is causing the radical settlers to revolt. Here’s the latest missive from the notorious Women in Green: The announcement of the building freeze in Judea and Samaria is proof that Netanyahu, to our shame, is following in the path of Ariel Sharon – betraying the will of the Jewish majority that elected…

Ending colonies in Palestine is anti-Zionist?

A leading settler group The Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip on the Netanyahu government’s decision to “freeze” settlements: “We see the cabinet resolution as illegitimate, discriminatory and anti-Zionist,” said Dani Dayan, who chairs the Council.

Nothing to see here, colonies will continue to expand

The world’s media is talking about Israel’s “settlement freeze” in the West Bank. It’s all a sham, of course, designed to convince the US-backed Palestinian Authority to return to the table and endlessly discuss negotiations and please Washington. And the occupation will only deepen. This little grab in Haaretz really speaks for itself: Attorney General…

South Africa echoes apartheid in Israel

A country that knows far too well about racial discrimination tells it like it is: The South African government has issued an unusually harsh statement condemning Israel for approving 900 new housing units in Gilo and evicting Palestinians from their East Jerusalem homes, comparing Israel’s actions to the “forced removals” of the apartheid era. “We…

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