What the Zionist mind has become since 1948

Daniel Pipes is loved by the fundamentalist Zionist community, invited, feted and respected for views such as these: The Palestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated people. Charming. His latest essay is introduced to his readers thus: I have written over 300 pieces on…

The importance of standing up for Palestinian rights, those occupied

Following an article in the Australian on the weekend – that accused critics of Israel of extremism – the paper publishes the following letters today: This week a leading US Jewish newspaper, The Forward, has published an article with the headline “Palestinian-led movement to boycott Israel is gaining support”. It explains how the global and…

Palestine will not rise under the jackboot

Bernard Avishai writes in Harpers about the wonderful economic possibilities of the US-backed Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. I believe he grossly exaggerates the potential to thrive as a society while under occupation (as I explained recently on ABC Radio). So long as Israel shows no intention of giving up its colonial mindset, “economic development” is…

How Israel plays Washington day in day out

The Israel Lobby co-author Steve Walt writes in the Washington Post: Like so many of his predecessors, President Obama is quickly discovering that persuading Israel to change course is nearly impossible. Obama came to office determined to achieve a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians. His opening move was to insist that Israel stop building…

Allowing a mainstream audience to see Zionist extremism

Last night 60 Minutes ran a feature on the occupied West Bank (the reporter’s blog on the…  subject clearly sees the Jewish settlers as the main impediment to peace). When the journalist Liam Bartlett told settler leader Nadia Matar that all the settlements were illegal, her response was instructive: The UN is biased, uh uh…

The time to implement a boycott is now

The following interview by Stu Harrison appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: “The war could have finished the day before I arrived”, independent journalist and author Antony Loewenstein told Green Left Weekly of his recent trip to the besieged Palestinian territory of Gaza. His trip in July was months after the December-January war, in…

You can’t normalise transport through occupation

Global protests against firms invested in a light-rail system in the occupied Palestinian territories refuse to die. The latest, courtesy of Jonathan Cook: An ill-fated light railway under construction in Jerusalem was originally heralded by Israeli officials as a way to cement the city’s “unification” four decades after the city’s Palestinian half was illegally annexed…

How much does modern Jewry need anti-Semitism?

Joseph Dana, an American Jew with whom I spent considerable time recently in Israel and the West Bank, is currently living in Europe. He struggles, like many Jews, with the appalling use of violence meted out by Israel to the Palestinians. His latest essay is an interesting examination of the desperate need for contemporary Judaism…

The Zionist blogging army is coming to a battle near you

I mentioned in early September a forthcoming blogger conference in Israel as a way for Zionist forces to co-ordinate propaganda for the state. Let’s call them whores for Israel. Evgeny Morozov, writing on his Foreign Policy blog, has a long post about the event and it’s worth quoting in full: At the risk of stepping…

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