The Jewish community has no debate on Israel

The following letter by Michael Brull, blogger for Independent Australian Jewish Voices, appears in today’s Sunday Age: Dvir Abramovich (”There are as many Jewish opinions as there are Jews”, 30/8) quotes approvingly some Jewish declaration that ”most communal roof bodies include a wide range of opinions”. [But] all major communal Jewish organisations support almost everything…

Tell us about your non-believing and non-Zionist friend

This Israeli campaign is almost unimaginably crass: A day after mounting a scare-tactic campaign to prevent the assimilation of Diaspora Jews, the Prime Minister’s Office and Jewish Agency received some 200 calls, most of them reporting names of Jews living abroad. However, many callers also blasted the campaign – which describes assimilation as a “strategic…

Paying a dear price for ignoring Palestinian rights

Israeli businessman and West Bank settlement builder Lev Leviev, someone I’ve discussed before on this site, is currently experiencing some serious financial troubles. It couldn’t happen to a nicer man. But, more significantly, are his troubles partially related to the global boycott campaign against his Zionist expansionism? The Alternative Information Centre investigates: On 31 August…

Making the occupation as comfortable as possible

The IDF, just like a friendly brother who cares deeply for everyone around him: The “Shock Vehicle” is outfitted with new systems to deal with disorder. In addition, it can remove obstacles weighing half a ton. As of next month, it will be put to use in all IDF West Bank units. The new system…

Obama is being fooled by Israel (and he feels fine)

Steve Walt in Foreign Policy knows who is really in charge with the Israel/America relationship: In an obvious gesture of defiance, the Netanyahu government in Israel intends to approve the construction of hundreds of additional housing units in West Bank settlements. All such settlements, it is worth noting, are considered by most of the world…

Israel will be punished until it behaves in a normal manner

Bit by bit, Israel is starting to realise that “normalised” relations with the world is no longer possible: The director general of the Foreign Ministry, Yossi Gal, on Thursday summoned the Norwegian ambassador to Israel, Jakken Bjørn Lian, to protest Norway’s decision to pull all of its investments from the Israeli arms firm Elbit. Following…

When illegal settlements aren’t really all that illegal

What illegal Jewish colonies in the West Bank? The state prosecutor’s representative twice hinted that construction in West Bank settlements might be retroactively legalized Wednesday, seemingly representing a major policy turnaround. The two responses are a departure from the state’s usual response that the structures are illegal and are expected to be demolished.

Don’t provide cover for no Middle East progress

This headline in today’s Independent is unintentionally hilarious: Israeli moves give Blair hope of rebuilding political trust The idea that Tony Blair is taken seriously in the region is ludicrous. Arabs have not forgotten his support for the Iraq war and 2006 Lebanon war. Besides, the so-called progress between Israel and the Palestinians is virtually…

Churches force Zionist lobby to defend Israeli apartheid

The global church movement has long opposed Israeli occupation in the West Bank. To rally millions of followers against illegal colonies is a strong moral challenge to Israel. This is therefore good news: The World Council of Churches on Wednesday called on Israel to cease and dismantle its settlements in the occupied territories. Passed on…

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