The Zionist settler mindset in all its racist glory

Life in the West Bank is something I discuss constantly on this site and I intend to try and increase that coverage. Here’s a good piece in the Guardian today about a settler who says he wants to leave his illegal home and claims many would follow if offered compensation by Israel. But it’s also…

Reaction to Pilger award reveals Zionist lobby’s fear of dissent

My following article appears in Crikey: In 2003, Palestinian politician and human rights activist Hanan Ashrawi won the Sydney Peace Prize. The Zionist establishment reacted with outrage, accused her of extremism and pressured then New South Wales Premier Bob Carr to not present the award. The campaign was a disaster and convinced large swathes of…

IAJV August newsletter

The following email was just sent to the Independent Australian Jewish Voices list: Dear all, We would like to inform you of upcoming events and relevant information about the Israel/Palestine conflict. Saree Makdisi, a professor of English Literature at the University of California in Los Angeles, nephew of Edward Said and leading Middle East intellectual,…

Let Jews live where they want in Palestine (please!)

Back in July, a handbook from the Zionist group The Israel Project emerged, giving advice to poor Jews who just wanted to support their fanatical friends in the settlements. Alas, the team has had to recant: The Israel Project says it has removed the term “ethnic cleansing” from an internal document discussing how to talk…

Singing the futile Fatah blues

Who are they kidding? The Palestinian Authority intends to establish a de-facto state within the next two years, despite failing peace talks, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said on Tuesday. “We have decided to be proactive, to expedite the end of the occupation by working very hard to build positive facts on the ground, consistent…

Israel has utterly no self-control over colonies

Der Spiegel grills Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Intelligence Minister Dan Meridor in ways that most Western journalists do not. When Israeli officials lie, call them on it: SPIEGEL: You blame Palestinian intransigence. Western leaders are, of course, demanding that the Arab side compromise on some issues. But they are also putting pressure on Israel…

What lies beneath Israel’s surface

Jewish-American writer and provocateur Max Blumenthal (and some mutual Israeli friends) are keen to tell the world about Israel’s increasing crack-down on dissent and blatant hatred of Arabs. A reality that remains hidden in much of the West. I posted in July a trailer for their forthcoming documentary by The Daily Nuisance. Now, a full-length…

If the occupation stays, cinema tickets are meaningless

Efforts by eager Western journalists and Zionist officials to praise the supposedly positive economic signs in the West Bank are thankfully challenged by the Independent. Less checkpoints have undoubtedly brought more freedom for some Palestinians but here’s the rub: Critics say Mr Netanyahu’s approach is aimed at evading the broad political concessions needed to really…

The Zionist policy is always to humiliate Palestinians

Akiva Eldar writes in Haaretz of where the real power lies in Israel: Rather than demand an apology, the Israeli peace camp needs to send Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon a large bouquet of flowers. The videotaped appearance of the vice premier before a group of Feiglinites last week is worth its weight in gold. His statements…

Herding non-Jews around like cattle

Israel’s increasingly draconian restrictions on Palestinians (and others) entering Israel and the occupied territories receives coverage in Time magazine: When Canadian businessman Sam Ismail brought his wife and five children to visit his brother’s family in Ramallah last week, he planned to stay for 10 days and tour both Israel and the Palestinian territories. They…

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