Singing the futile Fatah blues

Who are they kidding?

The Palestinian Authority intends to establish a de-facto state within the next two years, despite failing peace talks, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said on Tuesday.

“We have decided to be proactive, to expedite the end of the occupation by working very hard to build positive facts on the ground, consistent with having our state emerge as a fact that cannot be ignored,” Fayyad told the Times of London. “This is our agenda, and we want to pursue it doggedly.”

According to Fayyad, the idea would be to “end the occupation, despite the occupation.”

Nice thought, collaborators, but your big boss has other ideas:

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, flatly ruled out any Israeli concessions over the occupation of East Jerusalem yesterday.

After a meeting in London with his British counterpart, Gordon Brown, the Israeli leader made it plain that the question of East Jerusalem would not form part of any future peace talks with the Palestinians.