Brutality brought to you by Zionist military service

The following article, which appeared in Israel’s right-wing paper Maariv, was translated by Keren Rubinstein and distributed by the Middle East News Service. The author is the editor of the arts and culture supplement: With baton in hand: that’s us Shai Lahav The wide public debate about violence has ignored one of the most basic…

What Zionism has created for itself through occupation

As somebody who visits the West Bank weekly with Israeli peace group Ta’ayush to protect Palestinians from Israeli soldiers and mad settlers, American-Israeli Joseph Dana knows what he’s talking about: I do not think that one can act morally as a soldier in Israel’s occupation. One is forced to do too many immoral acts day…

US aims to convince Muslims that killing them is for their own good

Barack Obama films a Ramadan message and tells the Muslim world that he cares deeply about Pakistan, Afghanistan and a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians. Yet again, this is effective PR dressed up as policy. Muslims across the globel aren’t going to be seduced by pretty words from the US President when Israel…

Being nice to Zionist subjects

Who says the Israeli army isn’t the most moral, compassionate, cuddly and kindest outfit in the world? Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi have decided to ease a series of restrictions on the Palestinian population during the month of Muslim month Ramadan, which begins Saturday. The soldiers were…

Listen to an Israeli who supports boycotting his own country

Leading Israeli academic and intellectual Neve Gordon, with a history of critical thinking, writes in yesterday’s Los Angeles Times that it’s time to boycott Israel: It is indeed not a simple matter for me as an Israeli citizen to call on foreign governments, regional authorities, international social movements, faith-based organizations, unions and citizens to suspend…

Don’t mention the occupation (repeat after me)

The number of Western commentators – well, Zionists on the drip-feed, actually – who are proclaiming the wonders of an economically-buoyant West Bank is seemingly growing by the day. Why worry about ending the occupation and ongoing settlement building when you can see a new Hollywood film at the local cinema? Palestinians should be so…

The global community needs to do more than issue statements

A lawless nation receives a warning: A UN official on Wednesday urged Israel to stop its “provocative” actions against the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and said these unilateral actions will not be recognized by the international community. “We reiterate our call on Israel to adhere to international law and its…

How to help Palestinians in a practical way

I recently visited the West Bank settlement of Susya and witnessed the extremism of the Jewish settlers there. I recall being amazed seeing environmentally-friendly energy sources, such as solar panels, alongside Palestinian camps. Comet-Me are one company that installs these devices: Our mission is to facilitate social and economical empowerment in the poorest and most…

Murdoch employee hugs and kisses settlers

Former US presidential candidate and Fox News host Mike Huckabee during a visit to Israel and Palestine sponsored by pro-settler groups: The question is should the Palestinians have a place to call their own? Yes, I have no problem with that. Should it be in the middle of the Jewish homeland? That’s what I think…

Another day in the life of Israeli illegality

The International Solidarity Movement has issued the following statement: Tristan Anderson, an American national, was critically injured on March 13 when he was shot with a high velocity tear-gas projectile during an unarmed demonstration against the Wall in the West Bank village of Ni’lin. The Israeli Ministry of Defense has notified the Anderson family’s lawyers…

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