The crazies inside government

The London Independent reports that Israel ain’t serious about peace and will continue this charade for as long as possible: The Israeli Defence Minister yesterday issued one of the government’s bluntest warnings against linkage between its stance on a two-state solution with the Palestinians and efforts to stop Iran becoming a nuclear power. In what…

Stalling will result in one thing

After the meeting in Washington between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu – in summary, a lot of talk about Iran, a little about settlements – the clock is clearly ticking: “If Israel continues not to accept solving the Palestinian issue on the basis of a two-state solution, then the other option before us is one…

Yes, Obama is really an Israel hater

As Barack Obama is about to meet Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington – and yet more evidence emerges of ever-expanding West Bank settlements, also known as “natural growth” – arch neo-con Daniel Pipes wants the world to know: Obama himself comes out of the Democratic party’s intensely anti-Zionist left wing. Just a few years back, he…

A day in the life of a conversation with an active Zionist

Earlier today I posted a comment about Israel/Palestine from Dan Diker, the foreign policy analyst at the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs. He stressed that any kind of Middle East peace deal was impossible as long as Iran, Hamas, Hizbollah, terrorism and polluted water (!) was in the way (he may not have mentioned the…

What the US doesn’t want to see

A letter to Barack Obama from a Palestinian doctor in Galilee: The newly-elected prime minister of…  Israel, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, and his foreign minister, Mr. Avigdor Lieberman, plan evict me from my home and to take away my garden. These two persons and their fellow ministers were democratically elected to their positions and will use…

We cannot forget 1948 and we won’t

Palestinian MP Haneen Zoabi (interviewed on Radio National Breakfast on Friday) spoke to ABC Radio PM last night. This took place before a well-attended event at New South Wales Parliament House last night to commemorate 61 years since the Nakba of Palestinian dispossession. Zoabi was the key speaker, in front of parliamentarians and members of…

A Sydney paper starts opening its eyes

A senior journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald tells me that the relatively new editor is keen to show to the Zionist lobby that he can’t be intimidated. The last months have been an interesting ride. Hardly revolutionary but a noticeable shift. First an editorial in March telling Jews to accept wider views on the…

When the people are forced to act

A letter to the Norwegian Government Pension Fund sent by countless Israel human rights groups: May 14, 2009 The Council on Ethics Norwegian Government Pension Fund Government of Norway Dear Members of the Council on Ethics, We, Israeli organizations, comprised of Jewish and Palestinian women and men and dedicated to building a just peace and…

Why can’t we keep on building settlements, asked the child?

Interesting notes from Israel’s Maariv newspaper on the reception in Europe to Israel’s thug-in-chief Avigdor Lieberman: Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman arrived yesterday in London for a series of political meetings. He is to meet today with British Foreign Secretary David Miliband. In his previous round of meetings in Europe, the Israeli foreign minister tried to…

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