The crazies inside government

The London Independent reports that Israel ain’t serious about peace and will continue this charade for as long as possible:

The Israeli Defence Minister yesterday issued one of the government’s bluntest warnings against linkage between its stance on a two-state solution with the Palestinians and efforts to stop Iran becoming a nuclear power.

In what also appeared to be a defence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not committing himself to a Palestinian state, Ehud Barak declared: “These… words will not cause Iran to stop its centrifuges.”

The Labour leader added: “Israel has already said in the past ‘two states for two peoples’ and this didn’t cause the Palestinians to fall into our arms and reach all the tough decisions that are required.”

Just the usual bluster and lies.

But this titbit is interesting:

Benny Begin, a minister in Mr Netanyahu’s Likud party, will this week attend a prize giving for Noam Arnon, the leader of the notably hardline Hebron settlers for his achievements in “putting Zionism into action”.

Here’s a recent report about fundamentalist Zionist settlers in Hebron.