Growing ties between Israel and the global far-right

My investigation, for MidEastWire publication, researched over many months: The global sound of fury and shock heralded by the win of Donald Trump as the new U.S. President wasn’t heard in Israel. A poll, released in early December by the firm Dialog, found that 83 percent of Israelis viewed Trump as “pro-Israel” and hoped he…

Imprisoning refugees remains big business

In January, my book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, was published globally in a paperback edition by Verso.…  I wrote a piece for my publisher’s popular blog this week on the ever-growing industry of privatised immigration: The unaccountability of privatised immigration had rarely been so brazen. Australia is the only country in…

What Palestine Ltd tells us about disaster capitalism in Palestine/Israel

My following review appears in the US publication Mondoweiss: Palestine Ltd: Neoliberalism and Nationalism in the Occupied Territory… (I.B. Taurus), by… Toufic Haddad The Israeli media barely covers Palestine. Although many local, corporate outlets have “Arab affairs” correspondents, a faintly colonial position that reeks of paternalism, 99.9 percent of Jewish journalists live in Israel proper (or the…

Centre for Investigative Journalism backs open press in Israel/Palestine

The following statement was released this week by London-based, The Centre for Investigative Journalism,… one of Britain’s leading journalism schools. The statement was then… tweeted by one of the world’s leading press freedom groups, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ): Thursday 22nd December 2016 The CIJ is deeply concerned with media reports from Israel that… Antony Loewenstein’s work…

Life and death inside the Gaza Strip

My… feature story in UAE newspaper The National on my recent trip into Gaza. I last visited the territory in 2009 (here’s my short film from that trip and my major report). The National published my story as its cover feature this weekend (see the PDF here:… gazacover-final… +… gazainside-final): During the 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas in…

How Israel is gradually privatising its occupation of Palestine

My investigation in US magazine The Nation (print and online) about Israel privatising its occupation of Palestinian land. It’s co-written with the great, London-based journalist Matt Kennard. This work continues my years-long research into disaster capitalism globally: It’s 4:30… am… with the moon still high in the sky, but Palestinians from across the West Bank are already…

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