Israeli academics grow a backbone, ever so briefly

Finally: Some 155 university and college faculty members have signed a petition calling for an academic boycott of the Ariel University Center. In the petition, the lecturers state their “unwillingness to take part in any type of academic activity taking place in the college operating in the settlement of Ariel.” Furthermore, the petition states that…

The new frontier; private firms making money in apartheid West Bank

One: The Danish-British security firm G4S recently confirmed in a letter its involvement in the Israeli occupation and violations of international law — reported on last month by The Electronic Intifada. After the publication of The Electronic Intifada’s report on 15 December 2010, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre asked G4S to respond to…

Hands up who believes anything the JPost says about occupation?

The recent Australian, Zionist junket to Israel – get a bunch of gullible journalists and politicians to swoon over glorious Israeli democracy – included a talk from a senior editor who couldn’t even admit the colonies are illegal under international law (nobody accepts their legitimacy). As for BDS, it’s not a real threat, hey? So…

Don’t ignore the oppression-backing Better Place gloss

Israeli electric car company Better Place is accused of providing charging stations in the occupied West Bank and being run by former military men suspected of war crimes. The firm has received media coverage in Australia, mainly over allegations of favourable business deals, but nothing about backing apartheid in Palestine. The Zionist state’s attempts at…

Chomsky on the need for effective BDS

Noam Chomsky wonders when the US will ditch its Zionist ally. Only when US businesses think a true anti-apartheid struggle catches on. It’s coming: While intensively engaged in illegal settlement expansion, the government of Israel is also seeking to deal with two problems: a global campaign of what it perceives as “delegitimation” – that is,…

“Don’t come back to Nabi Saleh you piece of shit”

Joseph Dana, leading Jewish Israeli activist against the occupation, was arrested last week: On Friday, I was detained by Border Police officers in Nabi Saleh along with another Israeli. We were handcuffed behind our backs, thrown to the ground and beaten. The other Israeli was beaten much worse than I. His head was smashed against…

New Yorker editor looks at Israel and dislikes what he sees

The love affair is turning sour. When the sympathetic “liberal” US media start asking serious questions about the Zionist state, Tel Aviv (and its blind Diaspora supporters) have a problem. Perhaps they should call David Remnick a self-hating Jew. That’ll work. This is what he told Yediot a few days ago: Do you see a…

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