Aborigines should not look to modern Jews as any kind of inspiration

Following indigenous leader Noel Pearson’s article in yesterday’s Australian about admiring the Jews, I submitted the following (unpublished) letter: Noel Pearson’s admiration of the Jewish people (Aborigines can learn from Jews how to preserve culture and prosper, 15 February) is curious for its omissions. In praising their “resilience and seriousness as a people” and dedication…

Another tale of Israel refusing medical care for the Gazan people

Israeli human rights group Gisha released this statement today: Gisha and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel appealed to the High Court of Justice on behalf of Issam Hamdan against a District Court ruling blocking his exit from Gaza for emergency medical treatment. …·… … … … … … …  The State refuses to allow him out of Gaza based on its claim…

Israel as a “fascist state under the cover of Zionism”

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: How can we truly know what happened in the Gaza Strip without Breaking the Silence, and how can we know what is happening in the West Bank every day without B’Tselem? But Im Tirtzu doesn’t want us to know; it wants to cover our shame. That, to it, is patriotism, but…

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