Hate mail of the week

Here’s a gem from one Albert Landa, delivered on the Sabbath, no less: I just caught your interview with the ubiquitous Geraldine Doogue(spelling?) and I have heard quite a lot about you and the question which came to my mind, in a nutshell, is this: ‘WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” What is it that you want…

Keeping the Hebron nightmare on the front page

This is a call to action for everyone who stands in solidarity with Palestinians fighting for their human rights. On February 25, 2010 activists around the world will participate in an international day of action to raise awareness about the lack of freedom of movement in the Palestinian city of Hebron. The closure of Shuhada…

Israel threatened West Bank as a “second Gaza”

Palestinian civil society is not just calling on Israel to account for its crimes (remember this next time one reads that Palestinians are only obsessed with holding Israel responsible for human rights violations) Eleven Palestinian human rights organizations have called on the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas government in Gaza to endorse the Goldstone report…

Will Israel soon become a tipping point in American life?

The American mainstream is starting to awaken to Israeli madness. Andrew Sullivan, one of the country’s biggest bloggers, has been increasingly vocal in questioning the role of the Jewish state. Who else in the MSM is really doing so? The Netanyahu government has all but declared war on the Obama administration and then openly disses…

Only dedicated Zionists please enter Israel

A curious story (via the Israeli blog Desert Peace) that questions the kinds of Jews Israel would like to accept: There seems to be a revision in the making to The Law of Return in Israel”¦.. ”˜Any Jew that speaks the truth about the occupation is not welcome here!”˜ Jared Malsin, the editor of the…

IDF officer tells anti-settler protestors that they are traitors

The continually invaluable Israeli website Promised Land (along with Joseph Dana) link to a report on Israeli television that perfectly captures the upcoming (probably violent) struggle between the fundamentalist settler movement, secular Israelis and the IDF: A report from Friday Channel 10 news shows how a peaceful Palestinian demonstration – it’s the reporters who call…

You can’t build a Palestinian state under occupation

I mentioned back in November the development of a new Palestinian city in the West Bank, designed to emulate American-style living. Two months later, despite no indication that Israel’s occupation will ever end, developments continue: Work crews have broken ground on what they hope will be the first modern, planned Palestinian city – a step…

New York Times continues to shield Americans from Mid-east truth

How much longer must we suffer through this nonsense? Here’s David Brooks in the New York Times, writing about the wonderful technology in Israel and its inspiration to the world. With growing amount of information getting out that shows Israel is an oppressive nation, Zionist propagandists, especially in the US, need to ramp up the…

Jews, don’t be afraid of questioning Israel

What are the boundaries for acceptable debate over Israel according to Zionists? Usually, we’re told that criticism is acceptable…but then any discussion over Israeli crimes is deemed inappropriate. So, this blog post by James Besser, Washington correspondent for NY Jewish Week, is interesting (via Muzzlewatch). He highlights a recent Haaretz editorial that challenges Israel’s policy…

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