Australia and Israeli share the values of embracing occupation and racism?

The American Jewish establishment cares little about Palestinians and prefers to talk about easy access to Zionist paradise. Some, like Peter Beinart, recognise the crisis and the effect of a decades-old Israeli occupation. Rather bad for the Zionist brand. But not to worry, Australia’s Prime Minister sails on regardless, giving the same talking points that…

Palestine burns while Australian politicians fiddle in darkened rooms

“Moderate Greens” must be so pleased that Murdoch’s Australian is praising their stance to not fully embrace BDS against Israel: Moderate Greens in NSW have welcomed the party’s decision to ditch its official support for the “destructive” international campaign to isolate Israel. A meeting of the NSW Greens state council on Sunday resolved to rescind…

Memo to NSW Greens; Palestine needs your full support now

After a year of unprecedented Zionist assaults on democracy in Palestine and Israel itself, the NSW Greens capitulate to intense Murdoch media pressure and internal conservatism to back down from fully supporting BDS. News flash to the party: apartheid in Palestine isn’t going anywhere and avoiding a key human rights issue only makes you look…

Haaretz editor sees Israeli apartheid here to stay

Leading boycott, divestment and sanctions advocate (BDS) Omar Barghouti introduces this important piece: Nothing new. BUT it comes from the publisher of one of Israel’s most influential newspaper. Other prominent Israelis from within the establishment (and the Israeli media is most certainly part of the establishment, by any objective standard) have used the term apartheid…

What’s a senior Murdoch editor to do apart from slam Muslims?

Another week and another column by a Melbourne Herald Sun editor Alan Howe on just how dysfunctional is the Middle East, Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians, Islamists etc. The man has form. Yes, this is what countless Zionist lobby trips to Israel do to a Murdoch man. Hatred Inc: In Arab lands, like-minded, militant Islamists abound. Some…

Just what role does British government have in wanting war against Iran?

Jonathan Cook in Al-Akhbar English: Last February Britain’s then defense minister Liam Fox attended a dinner in Tel Aviv with a group described as senior Israelis. Alongside him sat Adam Werritty, a lobbyist whose “improper relations” with the minister would lead eight months later to Fox’s hurried resignation. According to several reports in the British…

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