Britain realises that Israel isn’t perfect and Zionists are shocked

The kind of debate over Palestine that seems almost impossible here in the US or Australia. Unthinking Zionism helps nobody but unthinking Zionists: David Cameron‘s forthright description of Gaza as a “prison camp” – and its implied criticism of Israel – has struck a chord with many Conservatives but infuriated some commentators. During a state…

Thank God for Goldstone

An Haaretz editorial that should be read by every Zionist organisation in the world; the smearing brigade should think again: Israel’s third report in response to the Goldstone report, which was submitted to the United Nations last week, consists of changes and updates in the Israel Defense Forces’ standing orders following Operation Cast Lead. The…

In conversation with Raimond Gaita in Sydney about Gaza

At Sydney Gleebooks on 23 August at 6.30pm, the following event, in conversation, is taking place. Come along: In Gaza: Morality, Law and Politics, Raimond Gaita brings together a thought-provoking collection of essays by public intellectuals on the subject of conflict. Following the Israeli Army invasion of the Gaza strip, many Australians are left with…

A day at Revolution Books

Yesterday’s event at New York’s Revolution Books alongside writer and author Michael Otterman – interviewed today about Iraqi casualties on NPR – was a unique opportunity to discuss Palestine and Iraq. We talked about the hidden civilian trauma, power of the US to wage war with little social cost inside the country, the power of…

Australian Zionist head wants West Bank settlements to thrive

So this is how it is. A senior Jewish leader in Australia defending the illegal colonies in the West Bank. For shame: The elected leader of Australian Jewry blasted his Christian counterpart over an “ill-considered” resolution asking churches to boycott goods produced by West Bank Jews. Executive Council of Australian Jewry President Robert Goot, in…

IDF says that its Gaza stories over the last years have been false

Max Blumenthal on an IDF that appears now willing to acknowledge that the Goldstone Report may have been pretty right after all: A report quietly submitted by IDF Military Advocate General Avichai Mandelblit to the United Nations two weeks ago regarding Israel’s conduct during Operation Cast Lead confirms the key findings of the Goldstone Report.…

Return To Gaza documentary

This is a documentary that is finally finished and soon to be screened in Australia and globally. I was interviewed a number of years ago and remain pleased it’ll see the light of see. The Palestinian story told in the first person: ‘Return To Gaza’ is a personal insight into the Middle East Conflict through…

Giving Goldstone a much deserved apology

A friend sends on this wonderful piece by the anti-Apartheid South African journo Allister Sparks that rebukes his country’s Chief Rabbi, Warren Goldstein, over the latter’s strongly expressed criticism of Constitutional Court member Richard Goldstone as well as Goldstone’s role in heading the UN’s fact-finding mission for Gaza: Sparks starts by noting that three of…

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