It’s clearly alright to harass Arab women

Hanin Zoabi, Palestinian member of the Knesset currently facing a hate campaign by mad Zionists, recalls the behaviour of Jewish parliamentarians after her detention near Gaza last week: During the first meeting, there was a hard aggression, and they called me “traitor” and “terrorist.” “Where are the knives? Where do you hide the knives?” You…

Splitting Palestine in two

As usual, Amira Hass in Haaretz hits the point in one swoop: The achievement of the failed flotilla to Gaza – mainly, it must be conceded, by its dead – is that the demand is being heard from everywhere that Israel halt its policy of siege. The government of Israel was not willing to listen…

Throwing money to Abbas won’t halt the dogs of war

The startling ineptitude and chosen powerlessness of Barack Obama, after speaking in Washington to Palestinian puppet leader Mahmoud Abbas: U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday called on Israel to work with all parties to find a solution for Gaza and offered the Palestinians $400 million in new aid as Washington sought to contain the fallout…

Now those Turks can go to hell

Jewish blogger Realistic Peace has a pithy way of getting straight to the point (see his post on the Gaza flotilla). His latest highlights the hypocrisy of the American Zionist lobby: Spencer Ackerman has an excellent and succinct post on the hypocrisy abounding now that the American Jewish leadership has decided Turkey is an enemy,…

Sailing the Zionist ships into the sunset

You have to laugh (because otherwise you’d cry). I look forward to the growing millions around the world being convinced that Israel has every right to occupy and blockade the Palestinians for “security”. Good luck with that one: Israel’s National Student Union is planning a flotilla with hundreds of yachts from Israel to meet at…

Washington dares to say that a Jewish state should grant equal rights for all

Here’s something radical. An American President who talks about equal rights for all citizens in Israel. Seriously, this is the “far-left” Barack Obama: U.S. President Barack Obama has updated America’s official vision of Israel’s future to stress that the Jewish state must ensure equal rights for Israeli Arabs. His new National Security Strategy, released by…

Self-criticism must start at home

An intriguing piece, by an Israeli reservist major, that at least acknowledges the direction his country is heading. Is it too much to ask more in the Zionist Diaspora to speak out and demand the Israeli government change path? This hardening of the heart is not limited to our leaders. They, after all, merely reflect…

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