How many American Jews are upset with Israel?

The Jewish Forward newspaper is unhappy (sure, it’s pitifully weak, but unlike the Australian Jewish News, Israel can occasionally step out of line): There were the expected handshakes and bear hugs, the slaps on the back and supportive words amiably expressed before the media. Just what ought to happen when Israel welcomes the vice president…

Israel’s Dubai hit continues the country’s moral decline

My following article is published on the Huffington Post: Israel is facing a revolt from the Jewish Diaspora. “Intifada” is an Arabic word meaning “shaking off”, as one would violently discard a scorpion. Israel is managing its own “intifada” from within. I write as a 36-year-old Australian Jew who has recently signed, with 37 Australian…

Australians demanding our government defend citizens in Palestine

The following article by Pip Hinman appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: Bridget Chappell, an Australian solidarity worker in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, was arrested by occupying Israeli forces on February 7 and threatened with deportation for simply engaging in peaceful protests alongside Palestinians. Solidarity activists have asked Australia’s foreign affairs…

The risk of speaking out for human rights (in Palestine or Iran)

A curious and rather disturbing story in Haaretz: It is not easy to scare Simone Dinah Hartmann, but lately she has been fearing for her life. Although she resides in serene Vienna, Hartmann is not convinced the law enforcement officials in Austria are sufficiently aware of the dangers threatening her. Her concerns come in the…

The supposed threat of Palestinian kids

The London Observer: With more than 300 Palestinian children being held in Israeli prisons, human rights groups and Palestinian officials are increasingly concerned about the actions of the Israeli military. The Israeli group B’Tselem said that security forces had “severely violated” the rights of a number of children, aged between 12 and 15, who had…

The marriage made in hell: Christion Zionists and Jews get down and dirty

The recent Christians United for Israel conference in Israel was a unique opportunity to see up close the growing Christian Zionist movement (and their desperate Jewish mates) defend every Israeli action. They’re a threat and should not be ignored. They’re loving Israel to death. Max Blumenthal provides some other details about CUFI’s John Hagee: Hagee’s…

Many Israelis Jews don’t believe Arabs should be treated equally

While non-violent resistance is growing in the West Bank – a threat to Israel and its backers because the vast majority of its adherents are simply demanding equal rights with Jews – it’s hard not to read this and despair. On the other hand, Israel’s true face is being revealed more every day. And we…

Slowly realising why the Middle East is on fire

Gee, things are tough in the Middle East when Murdoch’s Australian sounds depressed. Maybe, just maybe, more corporate journalists based in Israel will start to write about the reasons for the bleakness; fundamentalist Jews: The Middle East peace process was in tatters last night and Israel’s coalition government faced crisis after it announced a huge…

Passport scandal? What passport scandal?

(Via Michael Brull): Australian Jewish News, p 3, Friday March 12 2009 This week (Tuesday night) [Australian] Treasurer Wayne Swan spoke at UIA (United Israel Appeal) and explained that Australia and Israel would “always be great friends”. He went on that “Australia and Israel will always be great friends – even if questions do arise…

Just one more sign that Washington loves Israel like its only child

The predictable Israeli slap to America’s modest demands should surprise nobody. Besides, the real test of America’s love affair with Israel and contempt for Palestinians is clear: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be the keynote speaker at this month’s annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, The Cable has confirmed. Clinton will…

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