War criminals dine together in style

A leading American Zionist lobby recently shamed itself by celebrating a criminal and a thug:

The American Jewish Committee honored Colombian President Alvaro Uribe last night with its Light unto the Nations Award.

“President Uribe is a staunch ally of the United States, a good friend of Israel and the Jewish people, and is a firm believer in human dignity and human development in Colombia and the Americas,” said AJC President E. Robert Goodkind, who presented the award at AJC’s Annual Dinner, held at the National Building Museum in Washington.

Under President Uribe’s tenure, Colombia has fought rebel guerillas and drug traffickers and has made a serious attempt at demobilizing the paramilitary. Colombia is the third-largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid.

“Despite many odds, President Uribe has remained committed to the pursuit of security, peace and broad-based economic growth for all Colombians,” Goodkind said. Indeed, while President Uribe and his family have personally suffered due to the violence that has long plagued Colombia, he remains committed first and foremost to curbing violence and restoring peace and security.

It’s perhaps not surprising that a Zionist group, so fond of celebrating Israeli violence against Arabs, would fawn over the Columbian equivalent.

After all, the AJC did present former Australian Prime Minister John Howard wih its “American Liberties Medallion” in 2004.