Why are the Palestinians romancing a rogue Sri Lanka?

Yet more evidence that the Western-backed Palestinian Authority is a) clueless about the true nature of the Sri Lankan regime (ie. barbarism against the Tamils) b) unaware that Israel helped arm the government in its recent war or c) desperate to appear close to a state that now loves Israel:

Palestinian National Authority has decided to press Arab League to help Sri Lanka in this hour of need specially in the areas of rehabilitation and development connected with the relocation of displaced persons in North and East.

Sri Lanka Representative for Palestine Dr.T.Jayasinghe held a series of discussions with Dr. Ahmed Soboh, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in Palestine and later with Dr. Riad Malki , Minister of Foreign Affairs with regard to the ways and means of helping Sri Lanka.Even President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas has indicated that he will be speaking leaders of Arab countries on this matter.

Last week Dr. Riad Malki assured Dr. Jayasinghe that he will be taking up this matter at the next Arab League meeting to be held in Cairo. Palestinian leaders feel that it is their duty to help Sri Lanka considering the consistant support given by Sri Lanka and specially by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Palestinian cause during the last four decades.