Out with the new

Robert Newman, The Guardian, February 2: “There is no meaningful response to climate change without massive social change. A cap on this and a quota on the other won’t do it. Tinker at the edges as we may, we cannot sustain earth’s life-support systems within the present economic system. “Capitalism is not sustainable by its…

Confused priorities

Federal Labor MP Michael Danby is clearly a very busy man. If he’s not defending the Zionist cause, slamming opponents or forgetting that he’s actually an Australian politician, he’s working feverishly on goodies for his lucky electorate. It seems, however, that attention to detail isn’t his strength. Today’s Australian reports (no link available): “Michael Danby,…

Ditch the myths

May the myths continue to fall: “Australia wanted East Timor to remain an Indonesian province and the Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, lobbied Jakarta to delay a vote for independence, a report to the United Nations has found. “East Timor’s truth and reconciliation commission has been collecting evidence from thousands of witnesses for the past three…

New monster created

The following letter appears in this week’s Australian Jewish News (February 2) PAINFUL HERO “Pardon me thou bleeding piece of earth, that I am so meek and gentle with these butchers.” “The above was written by William Shakespeare in Julius Caesar over 300 years ago in an apology for an event that occurred over 2000…

Osama’s Book Club

My latest column for New Matilda discusses the ever-worsening state of free and open debate in the West: “Osama bin Laden’s most recent message contained any number of fascinating insights into the elusive al-Qaeda leader. Not least was his recommendation of a book, “Rogue State”, by Washington DC writer William Blum. ‘If Bush carries on…

Hating is acceptable

Bradley Burston asks in Haaretz, “what makes Islam so easy to hate“: “There is a reason why Islam has become so easy to misinterpret, so easy to fear, so easy to hate: those who speak evil and do evil and order others to perform acts of evil in the name of its God and His…

Injecting humanity

A new poll provides clarity for the Palestinian-haters: “Three-quarters of Palestinians that voted for the Hamas say they are opposed to calls for the destruction of Israel, according to a poll published on Tuesday. “The Palestinian Authority’s “Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda” daily survey stated that 84% of Palestinians support a peace deal with Israel. “More than 75%…

The games they play

As Australia’s most prominent and aggressive Zionist lobby, AIJAC feel that their important work is never done. Advocating war in Iraq, bombing Iran or praising the “great leader” Ariel Sharon, their loyalty is to Israel first and foremost and Australia’s national interests remain secondary at best. Perhaps my favourite AIJAC article was published in August…

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