“Pardon me thou bleeding piece of earth, that I am so meek and gentle with these butchers.”
“The above was written by William Shakespeare in Julius Caesar over 300 years ago in an apology for an event that occurred over 2000 years ago. Jews were not the issue even though the author was a reported anti-Semite.
“In these modern times ‘thou bleeding piece of earth’ can be transposed to mean Holocaust victims and the Jews murdered by modern-day Jew haters.
“The list of Jews who should be quoting the first two sentences of this letter grows daily.
“At the top of that list is the ‘sweet’ little man with a New York Yiddish accent whose vehicle the Producers has made him a multi-millionaire ghoul, who has stepped on the bones of six million of his brethren. His validation is ‘make fun of the murderers and you really sock it to them’. Mel Brooks, give me a break!
“Added to this list are men such as Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein, but the most painful of all this to me is a man who was my hero. Steven Spielberg has become an apologist for killers of Jews (Munich).”
Moishe Grosberg
St Kilda East, Vic
Perhaps Grosberg would prefer if Jews who didn’t blindly accept his paranoid view of the world be permanently silenced? After all, he clearly believes that Jews have any number of internal and external enemies that threaten the long-term survival of Israel and Jews.
Add another member to the not-so-exclusive “Jews are the only, and most convincing, victim’s club.”