A head-start

Back in early December, I was a runner-up in Smartyhost’s best Australian blog competition. The top prize of $10,000 passed me by, but I received a reward nonetheless. Worth $120, I was given the following for one year:

– 50 megabyte hosting package
– blogging software
– domain name registration

I’ve long wanted to assist aspiring, young journalists in the difficult first years. Jobs in the industry are notoriously hard to find, degrees in the field often lead to PR and idealism is rarely rewarded in the corporate media.

Let me make a small contribution. I’d like to offer the above prize to an Australian citizen under the age of 25 who is keen to start his or her own website and display their writing to the world. You may be interested in domestic issues or international events. You may just need a kick-start to find your unique voice. Maybe we can find the next Robert Fisk or Seymour Hersh.

In my early days, I was assisted by many established journalists – though never financially – and this brought much-needed confidence and contacts.

So, if you’re under 25 and fit the above criteria, write to me with a small example of your work before February 1 (antloew[at]gmail.com) and I’d love to make this humble contribution. I’ll select the person I believe is the most enthusiastic, curious, gutsy and best writer.

I’ll announce the winner on this blog and provide whatever assistance I can.

Good luck.

UPDATE: If any reader knows of a young, hotshot journalist in waiting, please pass this message along.