Bombing without concern

War crimes aren’t war crimes when carried out by principled Zionists (according to Israeli law):

The Israel Defense Forces will not take legal action against senior officers who were involved in the firing of cluster bombs into populated areas in southern Lebanon during the Second Lebanon War, the Military Advocate General said Monday.

Brigadier General Avihai Mandelblit acknowledged that cluster bombs were fired into populated areas, but said that this did not constitute a criminal violation.

Mandelblit also decided against taking any disciplinary action, in part because those involved, including Major General Udi Adam, GOC Northern Command during the war, have retired from the IDF. Mandelblit also said that the IDF shooting was conducted in an effort to stop the continued launch of Katyusha rockets against Israel’s civilian population.

Meanwhile, Israel continues to collectively punish the Gazan population for daring to elect the “wrong” party, Hamas.