A sad day for the long-suffering Sudanese people:
Sudan’s president, vowing to never allow U.N. peacekeepers into Darfur, blamed Jewish organizations for pushing for their deployment.
President Omar al-Bashir made the assertion Tuesday while a joint United Nations and African Union team was in Sudan to plan for a large U.N. force to take over peacekeeping in Darfur from the AU’s poorly equipped 7,000 troops who have been unable to halt more than three years of violence.
Many Jewish groups have campaigned strongly against the genocide in Sudan and should be congratulated for doing so, but Forward explained an ulterior motive in January:
Some Jewish officials acknowledged privately that the idea of pressuring Sudan’s radical Islamic regime motivated some Jewish groups to join the action. They said, however, that the fact that Jews are mobilizing to end Muslim-on-Muslim violence in Darfur sends a positive message to the Muslim world.
This “positive message to the Muslim world” becomes irrelevant when Israel continues to murder Palestinian civilians in Palestine.