Fair Australia literary prize

In the last months, I’ve been a judge on a great literary prize, Fair Australia, organised by Overland magazine:

What does a fairer world look like, and how do we get there?… The Fair Australia Prize… asks writers and artists to engage with these questions and imagine a new political agenda for Australia through fiction, essays, poetry, cartoons and art.
Many thanks to the 2017 judges – Michalia Arathimos, Jennifer Down, Emma Kerin, Antony Loewenstein, Godfrey Moase, Jacinda Woodhead, Ellen van Neerven, Toby Fitch, Carina Garland, Sam Wallman, Cathy Wilcox and Sam Davis – and to all the writers and artists who submitted entries this year.… Note: the competition will reopen in 2018.
Overland,… the… National Union of Workers, the… Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance, and the… National Tertiary Education Union (VIC) are… very pleased to announce the winning entries of this year’s prize, which will be published in… Overland’s final edition of the year, to be launched… Monday 11 December in Melbourne.

The fine winner of the essay section that I co-judged:

‘Aussie Albert’
A snapshot of Albert Namatjira is a window into the injustices befalling Indigenous Australians, who are still denied a… voice in determining their destiny in contemporary Australia.
Julian Bull studied natural resources management and landscape architecture at the Universities of Adelaide and Melbourne. His numerous articles on landscape architecture, urban design and art have been published in Australia and overseas.