Far from freedom

Ominous news from Bahrain:

“Three Bahraini bloggers are facing criminal charges, including defaming the king, for running a web forum that allows free political debate.”

The expression, “fighting a battle they will never win”, comes to mind.

“The government said bloggers had to register with the ministry of information – and has even proposed a bill to regulate the use of Bluetooth technology on mobile phones.”

In more positive news from the Middle East comes this interesting piece of blog writing on the bankruptcy of Syria’s Ba’ath Party:

“It does not mean anything like a political party or any political or organizational entity. It just exists around us and between us like that black-cloud of pollution on top of Damascus and Banias, like the sewage stink, or like the Mukhabarat’s Peugeot white cars.”

President Bashar Assad will not be pleased.