Google and Beijing get back into bed together

Sadly, Google has caved to Chinese demands and will once again censor some online content. Principles are clearly flexible for the web giant:

Google, the US internet search… company,… has agreed to submit to official Chinese censorship.

The Chinese government, on its… part,… announced the renewal of Google’s licence to operate in the country.

The government’s decision came after the California-based company pledged not to provide “law-breaking content” to internet users in China, according to the official Xinhua news agency.

Xinhua reported on Sunday, quoting an… official with China’s internet regulator, that the licence was renewed for another year for Beijing Guxiang Information Technology Co Ltd, the operator of Google’s China website.

The industry and information technology ministry’s website listed Guxiang among some 200 companies whose licences had been renewed until 2012.

Xinhua said Guxiang agreed to “abide by Chinese law” and “ensure the company provides no law-breaking content” in its renewal application letter.