Growing voices

As Haitians vote in the second round of balloting in the country’s parliamentary elections, only one Haitian blogs about politics, according to Global Voices. Yon Ayisien discusses life in Haiti, internet access in the impoverished country and the political situation:

Q: The D.R. of Congo under circumstances very similar to those in Haiti (UN mission, transition, elections, regular blackouts) have a relatively active blogosphere. How do you see the future of the Haitian blogosphere?

A: The Haitian blogosphere is nearly inexistent. I think the first step would be to actually have a decent number of Haitian bloggers who could represent the variety of voices in this country. I think people in the country have to worry so much about so many basic things that they haven’t been blogging, at least not about politics. But I think we might see more personal blogs in the future.… 

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