Jewish self-love revealed

From fundamentalist Jews who fear progress:

In unprecedented move, prominent Hasidic community allowed restricted internet use. ‘Internet has become popular but you should know many dangers lurk in it,’ community’s rabbi warns.

A first-of-its-kind agreement between Belz Hasidic Court and the internet provider Rimon may soon enable Blez followers to subscribe to the “kosher” internet.

Though “kosher” internet has been available for quite some time, the Belz version is expected to be different, as Rimon has pledged to put to use one of its newest technological developments to block any content even remotely suspected as inappropriate at the supplier’s level, thus blocking any such content even on pre-approved sites.

To a supposedly modern European state, Italy, that aims to show its unhealthy love for the Zionist state:

Italy may take its discriminatory practices to a new level, calling for measures to make mosque leaders quit unless they recognize Israel.

Action must be taken so that mosque supervisors recognize Israel, said European Affairs Minister Andrea Rochi.

We must force those who do not recognize Israel to leave the mosques, he added, according to Italian news agency Il Tempo.

It seems only Muslim “extremism” is deemed a danger to Western civilisation.

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