News bytes

– The Guardian says sorry to Noam Chomsky.

– Journalist James Fallows wishes the Bush administration would face reality over Iraq.

– The new US ambassador to New Zealand helps the spread of freedom, democracy and understanding to the outer province.

– A Mongolian blog explains what George W. Bush can expect during his upcoming visit:

“Yes, Mongolians are quite friendly toward Americans. But as any foreigner who’s been to Mongolia can tell you [I was there in 2000 and found the country and people beautiful], Mongolians give warm hospitality to just about anyone who happens by their ger [tent] regardless of the traveller’s passport.”

– An American Zionist leader claims lobbying of the American administration regarding Israel is not uncommon but he is personally against it. Really:

“Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League, said it was not uncommon for Jewish organizations to lobby the administration to exert pressure on Israel. Foxman himself opposes such activity, but said the IPF, Americans for Peace Now and sometimes the Reform Movement all engage in it.”

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