BDS against rapacious Sri Lankan regime

Well done: A public awareness campaign asking shoppers in Britain to boycott products made in Sri Lanka and sold in popular stores like Marks & Spencer continued last week with several members of the Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO) handing out leaflets and talking to shoppers on Oxford Street Saturday. Similar TYO events took place over…

Because Israel should just continue fighting and fighting

Is this really how Jews want to be seen? Here’s Melanie Phillips, frothing Zionist, speaking at a conference in the illegal Jewish colony of Ariel in late 2010, on why Israel and the Jews must fight back, must never give in to, well, everybody. Note the complete lack of stated facts. Everything is an emotional…

May the EU grow some balls and treat Israel as it deserves

The EU is usually supine when it comes to Israel/Palestine, following the blindly Zionist lead of Washington. Could something change? Perhaps: East Jerusalem should be treated as the capital of the Palestinian state, according to a report compiled by the heads of European diplomatic missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah. The report includes several other unprecedented…

This is just the beginning of the pressure Rajapaksa will feel

The poor war criminals are under threat: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa charged that certain elements are trying to portray a picture that country was going towards a totalitarian rule and said that these reactionary elements wanted to take him to the electric chair on war crimes allegations. President Mahinda Rajapaksa speaking at an opening…

Asylum seekers not out of sight or out of mind

From Australian refugee advocate Sara Nathan: It is… sad that people who seek asylum… are locked in extremely crowded cell 24 hours a day 7 days a week for… several months and sometimes years.… This is cruelty. Let’s all pause a moment to look at the photos and see what we can possibly do for them. Crowded immigration detention…

When will the media stop ignoring Serco?

Here we go again. An article in the mainstream media that discusses the obscene amount of money the Australian government is spending on keeping refugees in detention but no mention of Serco, the British multinational running the detention centres and the company receiving a good bulk of the money: Offshore processing of asylum-seekers is five…

Calling all young human rights reporters

Good idea: “She wakes, as eight men in dark uniforms barge through her front door. The men search the house. Abruptly they are both frogmarched to the back of a van. They don’t know where they are going or how long they will remain in this dark, enclosed space. This is not Nazi Germany, this…

Assange and Mugabe aren’t sharing drinks at sunset

Oh the irony. A former Bush administration official – didn’t their democracy work bring so much happiness to the world? – slams Wikileaks and Julian Assange for allegedly helping Robert Mugabe cement his dictatorship in Zimbabwe by the release of some sensitive cables. Michael Gerson seems to misunderstand the process here. Wikileaks didn’t recklessly release…

Israel embraces fascism and where is the Zionist Diaspora?

One: Just hours after the Knesset approved a motion calling for a parliamentary investigation into the activity of B’Tselem, Yesh Din, Breaking the Silence and other groups, National Union MK Michael Ben-Ari referred to members of the leftist organizations as “traitors who must be persecuted at any cost.” Speaking at an SOS Israel conference in…

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