US on Russian justice: “lipstick on a political pig”

A brutal state assessed as such by the US, a nation not adverse to backing countries that display an authoritarian impulse in support of Washington: The trial of Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky shows the Kremlin preserves a “cynical system where political enemies are eliminated with impunity”, US diplomats say in classified cables released by WikiLeaks…

New Yorker editor looks at Israel and dislikes what he sees

The love affair is turning sour. When the sympathetic “liberal” US media start asking serious questions about the Zionist state, Tel Aviv (and its blind Diaspora supporters) have a problem. Perhaps they should call David Remnick a self-hating Jew. That’ll work. This is what he told Yediot a few days ago: Do you see a…

Sorry London, supporting death squads is a problem

Don’t say Wikileaks isn’t opening up the possibility of a more accountable Western state: The [British] government faces a legal challenge to its support for a Bangladeshi paramilitary group described by human rights organisations as a “government death squad”. Lawyers are to seek a judicial review of the legality of training assistance provided to the…

How hard is it to discuss Serco and refugee policy?

The corporate media is hopeless. Here’s a feature in today’s Australian newspaper about Christmas Island, the increasing crisis of refugees being overcrowded and residents getting upset over it all. But there’s no mention at all of Serco, the British multinational running the place, a firm integral to the institution. Not good enough: An Amnesty International…

So much for the kind Colombo junta

Prosecute the bastards: Aid workers said one in ten of the 280,000 civilian refugees who fled the Sri Lankan army’s final onslaught against the Tamil Tiger rebels had either lost limbs or been so badly injured they urgently needed prosthetic limbs or wheelchairs to regain their mobility. The disclosure of thousands of severely maimed and…

Breaking the Silence book lands in English

The landmark new book by the brave Israelis who detail the full extent of Israel’s apartheid regime in the West Bank. This is all about control and humiliation of Palestinians: Breaking the Silence Full Book ENG Dec22-10 [Occupation of the Territories — Israeli Soldier Testimonies 2…

UN capitulation to Colombo criminals

Oh dear: No sooner had Sri Lanka’s supposed change of heart on allowing the UN panel of experts on war crimes convened by Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon been announced, the Colombo regime made clear the circumscribed space it will accord the panel and, more importantly, the dangerous reciprocity it is demanding. After months of defiance…

Nothing in the Wikileaks documents? Please

One: The prime minister of Mauritius has accused Britain of pursuing a “policy of deceit” over the Chagos islands, its Indian Ocean colony from where islanders were evicted to make way for a US military base. He spoke to the Guardian as his government launched the first step in a process that could end UK…

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