Serco and friends line up for dirty and profitable work

How many more people can we exploit for profit? Far too many, it seems: Jimmy Mubenga died during deportation from the UK, and the first fingers of blame will undoubtedly be pointed at the Home Office-contracted private security firm, G4S. But we need to look at ourselves and ask how we became a society that…

Serco and friends take refugees and show them the door

Exporting misery is a nice little earner: The scale of Britain’s largely privatised deportation industry has mushroomed as the Home Office responds to political pressure for the faster removal of failed asylum-seekers and people overstaying their visas. There are 11 immigration removal centres across the country with space for around 3,000 detainees. Most are operated…

Destroying Euro ghettos and pushing the problem elsewhere

Europe’s growing anti-immigration racism reminds us of dark periods in the continent’s history: “These are dark-skinned people [Roma], not Europeans like you and me,” said Riccardo De Corato, who is Milan’s vice mayor from Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s ruling party and who is in charge of handling the camps. He later added: “Our final goal…

Serco continues its glorious work in the UK

Guess who runs this privatised detention centre in Britain? Serco: A pregnant woman detained at Yarl’s Wood immigration centre who was told by a midwife she could not find her baby’s heartbeat was refused a scan for four days despite repeated requests and a high court order. Theresa Diedericks, 26, a South African who has…

Because Ahmadinejad fits a necessary hole in the enemy gallery

Roger Cohen writes in the New York Times that the world (and Israel especially) needs to not frame Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the devil incarnate but that’s exactly what the Zionists must do; the new “Hitler” has arrived: Ahmadinejad is a one-trick pony. His thing is double standards. Ask about the Iranian nuclear program,…

What next, Rajapaksa wins Nobel Peace Prize?

This just proves that massacring Tamil civilians isn’t a bar to participating in front of the world: Mahinda Rajapaksa to join Prince Edward at ceremony despite allegations of human rights abuses by Colombo governmentMahinda Rajapaksa, the controversial president of Sri Lanka, is locate to be the guest of honour at the closing ceremony of the…

Telling Obama to shove his wars where the sun don’t shine

Late last week U.S. military veterans hung an enormous banner on the front of the Newseum in Washington, DC, wrapping their message around the First Amendment. Several Veterans for Peace dropped the banner down the front of the Newseum, while others distributed special edition copies of the War Crimes Times, explaining the action and what…

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