A very bad Zionist joke?

This article in Haaretz is the kind of piece that defines Zionist chauvinism, racism and ignorance. Welcome to modern Israel: With a rare combination of diplomatic sense, psychological understanding, clear logic and a deep and comprehensive grasp of security, the Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved a brilliant draft law last week by majority vote. The…

The settlers marinate

The Financial Times provides a necessary cold shower to those who think President Barack Obama’s talk about Middle East peace is realistic in the short-term: The Palestinians, in any case, have little hope of winning a reprieve from the settlements in the near future. The farming village of Jeet in the northern West Bank, for…

Obama in Cairo

My following article was published today on the popular US website Mondoweiss: Back in 2005, then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gave a rousing speech at Cairo’s American University. “For sixty years”, she argued, “my country, the United States, pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region here in the Middle East…

Counting all the illegal colonialists

Jonathan Cook writes how the bulk of the Western media based in Israel proper ignore the illegal, Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem: There are about half a million Jews living illegally on land occupied by Israel in the 1967 war. Give or take the odd few thousand (Israel is slow to update its figures), there…

How to pressure the abusers

An important message from US group Jewish Voice for Peace: Let CAT know what you think. We will hand-deliver your message. Next Wednesday, June 10th, 2009, Caterpillar will hold its annual shareholder meeting. For the sixth year in a row, Jewish Voice for Peace will be there to tell the company to get out of…

Hating Palestinians is just fine

I recently argued the case for free speech for even Holocaust deniers and the hypocrisy of Zionist groups that only care about supposed anti-Semitism and not racism in general. Now Michael Brull, blogger for Independent Australian Jewish Voices, has continued the argument: Australia’s Zionist lobbies recently scored what they consider a triumph. Frederick Toben of…

The mainstream does not speak for us

A Mondoweiss reader responds to my report on Sunday’s Salute to Israel parade: As a father and uncle of Jewish Day School students and a member of a very Zionistic extended family, I have great troubles with the parade every year.…  I have not gone to the parade since I have been more educated about…

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