These are not fringe, racist views

Israel’s leading newspaper publishes a column in English titled, “Why should they get a state?”: Modern Palestinian demand for state stems from anti-Semitic desire to harass Jews. Such views are now mainstream in modern-day Israel.

Imagine if the NYT became honest

The following letter was not written in 2001 by Nelson Mandela to the New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman (here’s the background story), but its words still resonate today: Dear Thomas, I know that you and I long for peace in the Middle East, but before you continue to talk about necessary conditions from an…

This won’t stop as long as Jews support it

Steve Walt, Foreign Policy, April 28: My question is this: What is Netanyahu thinking? Doesn’t he realize that time has nearly run out for the two-state solution, and that failure to achieve it is by far the most serious threat facing Israel? The prime minister and his allies keep harping about an “existential” threat from…

Keep praising those brave IDF boys

Here’s the deal. Zionist Labor MP Michael Danby – an elected politician who seems to love Israel like a beautiful woman and challenge anybody who dares damn Zionist ideology – has complained about an ABC TV program that raised the recent Gaza war. War crimes were committed, but Danby and his media mates won’t tolerate…

Maybe the Jews should be a little more trusting

How much do we know about Israeli spying activities in the US? And, writes blogger Richard Silverstein, Zionist influence in the American political cycle should be exposed: I’ve been informed by a confidential source that in September 2008, before one of the presidential debates, an Israeli operative attempted unsuccessfully to meet with a debate panelist…

Shunning the Zionist abusers

Yes: The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office must be commended for its decision to cancel renting premises for the UK embassy in Tel Aviv from the company Africa-Israel, owned by Israeli businessman and settlement builder Lev Leviev. This is an encouraging step that should now be backed by stronger sanctions against the building of the…

Don’t wait for the Yanks

The Palestinian Authority simply doesn’t seem to understand that Washington and Israel aren’t serious about peace. Case for the prosecution: Saeb Erekat, a senior Palestinian Authority official and a chief negotiator of the Annapolis peace talks , told Israel Radio today that: In December 2008 PA Chairman Abu Mazen submitted to US President George Bush…

Why the peace will never be won

The violence in Sri Lanka continues and the hidden cost of the war is becoming clear: Though there have been numerous reports indicating that the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) has been systematically raping Tamil women fleeing the country’s war zone for the past four months, the Sri Lankan government’s brutal methods of media censorship have…

Surveying the Zionist scene in 2009

Jews are the “chosen people”. One of the key problems with this delusion, of course, is that it gives Jews the justification to commit crimes against the Palestinians and defend them because Jews are “chosen” and therefore God will support whatever they do. Take this from the Jerusalem Post: Until our own day, the clannishness…

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