Attacking Haaretz is a sure sign of desperation

Don’t feel sorry for the IDF. The world now knows exactly what they did in Gaza. Trying to blame Haaretz is a comical attempt to deflect responsibility for war crimes. It won’t work internationally: IDF reservists have asked Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz to launch a criminal investigation against Haaretz for publishing “testimonies” by soldiers of alleged…

Justice for all, not just a few

My friend Clinton Fernandes, former Australian army and current international relations expert at the University of New South Wales and the Australian Defense Force Academy, is a tireless campaigner for human rights in our region, especially East Timor. He sent this latest news – the guilty verdict of Peruvian former president Alberto Fujimori – with…

The kind of ally we should not have

Human rights for women (and men) in Saudi Arabia are atrocious, something I examined in my book, The Blogging Revolution. But activists there continue to agitate, as they should. But where is the international support for their actions? Activists in Saudi Arabia have protested a government ban on women drivers before, but it’s never been…

On Halper, Judaism and humanity

Following my recent publication of American/Israeli peace activist Jeff Halper’s comment on the Australian Jewish community and Israel, I received an email from George Salzman, Prof Emeritus in the Physics Dept at the University of Massachusetts, Boston (but currently based in Oaxaca, Mexico): Dear Antony Loewenstein, I’m writing to complement you on the quality of…

Let the light in before it’s too late

The global economic crisis is causing chaos across the world. But it’s pathetic to read fears that people should worry about Jews being targeted by the fall-out. The ever-growing obsession of the Jewish community about itself continues. The world doesn’t revolve around the Jews, believe it or not. We aren’t more special than anybody else.…

How much do we really trust the government?

With growing evidence that the Obama administration is maintaining some of the most extreme examples of Bush era illegalities, this news is ominous: The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 introduced in the Senate would allow the president to shut down private Internet networks. The legislation also calls for the government to have the authority to demand…

This is what we support

Part 1: Over 150,000 Palestinians in Gaza (around 10 percent of the population) are struggling without tap water as a result of the damage caused to wells, pipes and waste water facilities during the recent 23-day Israeli offensive which ended on 18 January. Part 2: Ever wanted to scrawl graffiti onto the West Bank separation…

The Jewish community leaders abusing their positions

The following letters appear in this week’s Australian Jewish News: The ironies never end. The first thing waiting for me upon my return to Jerusalem from my speaking tour of Australia, where, like a Marrano, I had a secret meeting with Jewish professors in Melbourne and had to address the Jewish community of Sydney from…

Anti-Semitism or not

No one expected a calm discussion during the debate entitled “Anti-Semitism – Alive and Well in Europe?”, which was organised by the Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival. Along with [Times columnist David] Aaronovitch, the panel included Gilad Atzmon and the Observer columnist Nick Cohen.

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