Smear and loathing

The following letter appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Robert Magid’s letter (March 18) justifying his decision to suppress an ad for Professor Jeff Halper’s speaking tour in The Australian Jewish News is a classic of smearing by association. He brings up all the bogymen calculated to upset his target audience and therefore make his…

The war isn’t over

Israel deliberately flooded Lebanese farmlands with excess rainwater from an Israeli orchard, located off the southern town of Mais al-Jabal early Tuesday, ruining crops and properties, the state-run national news agency said.

We never signed up for this kind of Israel

Israel’s new Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman – given the appropriate expression, “racist”, by Robert Fisk – is causing some concern with Israel’s Diaspora. New York writer Anne Roiphe: We here in America are waiting as of this writing for a government to emerge in Jerusalem and most of us keep on hoping that its shape…

Define: bravery

We salute you: Index on Censorship today announces the shortlist for the 2009 Freedom of Expression Awards. The awards, presented in association with the Economist, the Guardian, Bindmans and the Robert Gavron Trust, honour those who have furthered the cause of freedom of expression and battled censorship around the world. Prizes are awarded in five…

Demolishing arguments

The following letters appear in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Mick Weiss (Letters, March 17) repeats the myth that the Israeli Government demolishes only the houses of suicide bombers. In fact, tens of thousands of Palestinian houses have been demolished in the occupied areas since 1967. The occupants have been forcibly removed to make way for…

I’m just doing my job as a Zionist apologist

The following lead letter appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Your editorial “With friends like these” (March 13) refers to the decision of the Australian Jewish News to refuse an advertisement promoting the speaking tour of an Israeli academic, Jeff Halper. It says I pulled the ad because I didn’t like the promoters. This suggests…

An example to Jews everywhere

A principled, noble man, still assaulted by Israeli arrogance: Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee in Oslo, I am Vanunu Mordechai, who has been nominated several times to Nobel Peace Prize, also this year’s 2009 award. I am asking the committee to remove my name from the list for this year’s list of nominations. My main…

Isolation may just teach them a lesson

John Greyson, a prominent Canadian filmmaker, has recently turned down an offer to premiere his film Fig Trees at the Tel Aviv International LGBT Film Festival, in support of BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions). Greyson is… a member of Queers Against Israeli Apartheid. His recent letter to the festival director is below: Dear Yair, After much…

Of course hardliners don’t want to discuss the occupation

The forthcoming Durban II, the UN’s anti-racism conference, has been slammed and boycotted by the US, Israel and the Zionist establishment for its alleged obsession with the Jewish state. But there are alternative views, such as this one by Ian Williams, author, journalist and pundit: Those calling for a boycott include John Bolton, George Bush’s…

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