“Natural growth” is wrong

The next likely Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, tells Tony Blair that the illegal settlements in the West Bank are going nowhere: I have no intention of building new settlements in the West Bank. But like all the governments there have been until now, I will have to meet the needs of natural growth…

Remembering the dead

The reality on the ground in Gaza, away from the politics: Fifteen days after the Israeli offensive ended Wa’el Al-Attar was found dead sitting next to a Kenya tree. Both he and the tree had been wounded by an Israeli missile. Wa’el, who had moved his family from house to house, neighborhood to neighborhood for…

Killing comes with a price

Israel’s latest war against the Palestinian people will resonate for years to come. Here’s just two recent developments: Oxford City Council endorses boycotting Israeli products and companies. Montreal: call for academic boycott of Israel.

Who are your real friends?

The collusion of the Palestinian Authority with Israel’s war and occupation will only end in tears and violence: Israel made a “big mistake” by ending Operation Cast Lead without overthrowing the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian Authority official in Ramallah said on Thursday. His remarks came as the PA security forces intensified…

It’s not illegal if Israel does it

The “rules” of the world, as told to Francis A. Boyle, Professor of Law at the University of Illinois: During the summer of 1982 I had the opportunity to visit the Nazi concentration camp just outside Dachau, Germany and then the little town itself. Given the proximity of the town to the camp, my immediate…

The IDF lie too well

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak: As an army which is unsurpassed in its moral traditions, the IDF has done all that it can in order to adhere to international law, in order to avoid harming civilians who are not involved in fighting. Human Rights Watch head Ken Roth: Throughout the recent war in Gaza, the…

Kissing Israel is not what she needs

A letter-writer in The Jewish Week can’t understand why militant Zionists aren’t regarded as “pro-peace”: Why does your paper, as well as other Jewish and secular papers, continue to refer to organizations like the J Street Lobby, Americans for Peace Now, New Israel Fund and Israel Policy Forum as pro-peace? They are left-wing and extreme…

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