The lobby still has long legs

Leading Jewish blogger Phil Weiss thinks the current Gaza strikes will “help end the Israel lobby“: It’s just a theory, and yes I’m an optimist. But the grotesque events in Gaza rise above, well, the previous grotesque events in Gaza. And here is the great Glenn Greenwald attacking Marty Peretz for his disgusting rationalization of…

The rise and rise of humane Judaism

One of the only positive legacies of the Bush years has been the rise in Jewish voices of dissent in the mainstream. Sure, Diaspora dissent has existed for decades but rarely as loudly and influential as today. Inspirations and friends such as Tony Karon and Phil Weiss in the US, Brit Tony Judt and Independent…

How to kill that Jewish “dream”

Leading Jewish American blogger Phil Weiss – a true friend and ally on Middle East matters – provides wider context to the recent comments by Israeli writer Naomi Ragen: Here’s Naomi Ragen, a writer who seems to split her citizenship between Israel and the U.S., speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald. She’s orthodox, and dismissive…

What do Jews really think?

What is it with hardline Zionism and its wish to bomb other countries? First Iraq, now discussion about Iran, the Jewish establishment’s embrace of the “war on terror” rhetoric highlights a fundamentally anti-democratic, draconian, insecure and racist mindset (not least because most of the victims of a government’s over-zealous plans are directed against Muslims.) And…

Nutters in the Holy Land

Fundamentalism is on the rise in Israel, of the Jewish kind: Police in Israel are investigating the burning of hundreds of New Testaments in a city near Tel Aviv, an incident that has alarmed advocates of religious freedom. Investigators plan to review photographs and footage showing “a fairly large” number of New Testaments being torched…

Smelling fear

Following my involvement with Independent Australian Jewish Voices in the recent public response to Australia’s endorsement of Israel’s 60th anniversary – something that has now been noted by leading Jewish bloggers in America and Britain – the group is receiving, along with a great deal of support, messages such as this: You bunch of dirty…

A small opening

Barack Obama, Cleveland, February: I think there is a strain within the pro-Israel community that says unless you adopt a unwavering pro-Likud approach to Israel that you’re anti-Israel and that can’t be the measure of our friendship with Israel. Nobody should be under any illusion about Obama’s ability or interest to seriously shift America’s role…

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